• 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • As an ADC main, I’d say it’s important that the adc knows wave management at least to a certain degree to allow you to gank. If I see my support roam, I immediately let the wave push into me, in the best case I’d even establish a freeze.

    Since most ADCs in bronze have no clue how this works, I just wouldn’t risk the tilt of your adc.

    If you still want to go for it, wait for your adc to be ahead and then either go from base or move up there when the wave crashes into turret or your adc recalls.

  • I know we all dream of having all our friends and family on the Fediverse

    I honestly have to say that this isn’t remotely part of my dream. I couldn’t care less about the friends and families that are using facebook. They can contact me over E-Mail or over my phone. If they want to stay in touch even more, come join Discord or leave it be, simple as that.

    If it wasn’t for those alternative social media, I wouldn’t even use social media at all.

    Am I in the minority for thinking like that?