The rear view mirrors are an uncovered rectangular piece of single glass? Wow
Click bait article. She’ll be right mate.
When asked by RacingNews365 whether he had taken the opportunity to speak with his father after his first F1 retirement, the Alpine driver explained they had not yet had to chance to have a full conversation.
“No. No, he hasn’t,” Doohan replied. “He came up behind me, I think he said: ‘there was a white line, a bugger.’”
Thank you. Confirming Mlem has this in 2.0
The irony of having to explain your sarcasm punctuation after using sarcasm and punctuating it in way nobody understands.
I see an MX5 and track days in your future.
Love wins. Her partner was made for her.
Where is this magical place? Careers page please.
How do people like this not get roped into countless meetings? Do workplaces exist in the digital space that actually communicate without a meeting culture?
It was in certain pot hole fillers interest to ensure the pot hole continued to need to be filled so they could continue to fill holes, so despite filling a hole once the gas ensured they’d have to come back again and redo the job and get paid multiple times for the same hole.
Any insights to specifically what is different aside from Andretti falling on his sword?
Fool me once shame on me, fool me twice…
The batteries should be protected and rated for a crash like that, anything less is unsafe and negligent on the manufacturer.
When pot holes were regularly filed, workers would pour gas on the tar to make sure they could eat and have a job next week.
What are the secret 11 herbs and spices of the subway?
I honestly can’t tell the differences and think the lighting and emotion is what makes these screenshots look different. The model and textures seem pretty much the same. There’s a chance the blendshapes used for certain poses go off model or make the textures look different as they swim or pull with the geometry but to me it looks the least like TNG Jelico when certain expressions are used which are out of character for him rather than a different face itself.
Knowing how productions run as well, usually assets are approved before they are used in any episodes. Things do change slightly for performance reasons to make a character achieve certain things needed in the script but the model designs are usually approved well in advance of animation. Changing models in production is costly and usually problematic. There’s a chance maybe that you could make changes between seasons but it would be rare as seasons are in production back to back.
You guys are too slow, we need to hire more of you and let the sales teams use AI to add features the client asks without waiting for you.
AI can code now, in 2 mins I can create an app, so it shouldn’t take you long to make changes to this 10year old product.
Years of work, meetings and sleepless nights worrying about how to move forward on the many design and implementation decisions, the family sacrifices, all for shit.
Hug your kids, kiss your partner and fuck work.
Received this for the first time too. Never got the old text messages though