I mean, there’s a drastic difference in cultural relevance over those 20 years. 2000 was at the tail end of their peak. Supply/demand would certainly affect the equation.
Net worth isn’t net income. Net worth is assets - liabilities. So it’s basically the equity on your home + savings(401k,checking,retirement) + whatever you can sell your car for.
The average (mean) is different from the median too. The fact that there are mega rich inherently pushes the “average” (mean) higher than the median.
Median is a better measure of average when there are outliers (like billionaires)
You’re both right and wrong. Mega wealthy are a problem, but your understanding of the terms you’re using is why you’re confused.
1.6 mil is the average net worth of an American in their 60s. 445k is the median though! The difference between the two comes from the billionaire outliers!
Tim is below the “average”, but a majority of Americans are. However, half of Americans are above the median, and half are below.
You’re right that Average income is 37k. However, average income is not net worth. That’s why you’re confused.
Ask little john
Literally described the Mississippi river.
Beautiful dog, looks like he had a great run 😊
This setup is so good. I love the GL. Been using the breaker, but I’m still trying to figure out the other elements in the setup.
Says “naw” upside down
Only the top right fights? How many times must we teach you this lesson old man?
Earworm by Vulfpeck, while relevant to the topic, is good too.
I absolutely love how Mozilla has been calling out Apple, Google, and Microsoft. So good.
Zoning laws are bad
I had the gba version and it was a lot of fun. More like a puzzle than a typical platformer, and all stages are basically one screen, so it’s good when doing other things. I’d watch TV, and play during commercials.
It’s easy to not have Firefox on your device, just don’t install it. Why should apple prevent you from being able to do that?
They totally do though. You can ONLY use webkit on any iOS device. Chrome, Firefox, etc. they all are forced to use webkit on iOS. Neither Google or Apple are treating the web nicely, but at least you have a choice to use a different browser. Apple makes that effectively impossible.
Keep the books, cherish 'em. I don’t care.
I’m just saying knowingly giving money to hateful people is where folks tend to draw the line. Some folks can still enjoy the art, some folks have their perception of the art tainted by the hateful ideologies of the artist.
You’re free to do as you wish, but some folks have trouble separating the art from the artist, and have valid concerns around consuming of art from hateful artists.
If you pirate their art, I suppose you have a point.
But if you’re financially supporting folks who are actively opposed to your existence or the existence of people you care about, that’s pretty foolish.
Harry Potter is the only reason folks care about J.K. Rowling. However, her words outside of her books have influenced politics and have hurt marginalized folks.
Because she’s making money, she doesn’t care.
Until JK doesn’t make a dime from Harry Potter, your fandom of the IP will financially support her hateful views.