Literally me with my Framework laptop, trying to get hidpi to work. I either get tiny text, blurry text, tiny icons, but fine text, or some other weird combination of shit. Luckily, gnome-terminal does work. So as long as I never use any GUI apps, then hidpi “works” on the Framework. 🥴👍
No, I will not switch to Fedora. Yes, I’ve tried it. No, I’m not a fan of “fixing” hidpi by avoiding scaling, everything is tiny. Yes, I’ve also tried the new Framework display at 2x scaling, no I didn’t like it.
The real solution for me is to avoid this class of problems altogether by going back to a regular dpi screen, where everything was legible, clear, and I could use whatever damn GUI apps I wanted. I’m moving back to an X11 Carbon (rip Dell XPS) next chance I get.
Thank you for your service, mods! 🫡 A lot of places online will bemoan the Nazi takeover of Twitter and then keep supporting them. You guys actually have the balls to do something. Thanks!