I’ll continue to fight drivers on the road with my life, I deserve space to bike without being harassed. Helmet cams help a LOT.
Would love real wood if I wasn’t so deathly afraid of bedbugs. The risk is too high, especially with used wood furniture having all sorts of small nooks and holes maybe even in areas that can’t be seen.
It is sadly also more convenient for me to order IKEA stuff delivered than doing a carshare ride out to it (the Montreal one is so far and way out of the way from downtown / west core)
I absolutely loved Rhodes and am so so so eager to return. Would love to visit Lesbos and Milos too.
but yes agree on Santorini, and Mykonos, both lovely but very over toured.
I react badly to Canadian milk after it’s been ultra-pasturized but I’m not lactose intolerant.
Dawg I think you might be lactose intolerant.
yknow soy, almond, oat, etc non-milk beverages are seriously a great alternative with all needed nutrients…
I bought a new cassette, chain and derailleur for my main bike; it’s probably 20-30 years old in it’s frame and has some signs of wear, but those parts are probably the most I’ve “invested” in keeping it running well. Compare to a car with new belts, filters, etc. It’s crazy our cities are not designed more densely.
The great thing about bikes is that there’s just… a shitload out there, especially vintage repairable units. And LOTS of vintage frames and parts that are often tossed to the road as trash, just cleanly available to take. It does of course require one to have the drive to do the repairs yourself, but that is another thing; thank goodness DIY bike repair shops exist.
if you’re talking about the comic, me too
many people live in the suburbs which are not mixed zone areas; hence most stock up at supermarkets etc since getting there can be a 15-30 minute drive, let alone walking/biking.
i hate it i hate it i hate it im sorry.
Half-Life Alyx wasn’t good enough for you? Sheesh, go play ANY of the HL mods or many other new games released. Bad hill to die on…
it’s an excuse for an occasion to get together with friends/family. that’s it.
Yes but it varies store to store. you could also submit a corporate complaint and hope they reply with a coupon of some sort…
What purpose does japan have for this ammonia in the end? what do they use it for?
Exactement! J’ai vu trop de réponses du genre “ah, c’est tellement négatif”. Oui, une vie " liée" à une voiture est une vie négative !
hey me too!! so far everyone is “on board” with it haha!
Underconsumption is cooler than a tax break.