A lot of unpronounced letters are actually pronounced conditionally, for example in “Je suis un homme” the last s of suis is pronounced because it is followed by a vowel.
A lot of unpronounced letters are actually pronounced conditionally, for example in “Je suis un homme” the last s of suis is pronounced because it is followed by a vowel.
Ukrainians were/are still fighting to defend themselves from an illegal invasion. But America sees and has always seen Ukraine as a proxy to weaken a geo-strategic rival. NATO was not realistically on the table as long as the conflict in the Donbas was ongoing (it would have immediately triggered art.5) to keep promising NATO instead of working on a more realistic path to peace has probably caused the death of 100000s of Ukrainians. And just as with many other imperial proxies in history, the proxy is left to deal with the fallout while the empire retreats to the metropol and prepares for the next conflict.
Yeah it would be terrible if James Bond was used as some kind of cheap propaganda tool. Could you imagine James Bond - a sexyfied whitewashed secret agent of a globe-spanning colonial empire - being used as propaganda. What a world that would be…
I would love to see how normal™️ the reaction of the US elite would be if this actually happened.
What are the chances, I just read this ‚fact‘ today in The Forever War by Joe Haldeman and was already kinda doubtful.
Some protesters against the Stuttgart21 project would probably disagree, as well as German courts.
Not to mention all the excessive violence against the anti genocide protests.
*attempted fascist coup
Funny how that works when the antidemocratic leader is broadly in line with US foreign policy CNN choses their words very carefully.
But the genocide must continue.
Advocating to permanently ban someone for not being nuanced enough.
Speaking of missing nuance lol
So basically what happened that evening:
This all under the shadow of an ongoing likely ethnic cleansing / genocide in Palestine.
And now every newspaper from center-left to far-right in the Netherlands is pretending some horrible antisemitic violence took place akin to 40-45. While at the same time the Dutch government is talking about mass deportations of Muslims. And apparently they are also getting pushed by Israel to strip Dutch citizens of human rights by putting them on these horrible “terrorist” watch lists. Truly incredible.
That or reading public statements from politicians, military officials and other public figures.
And observing the actions of Israel, what other intent can denying food and blowing up all hospitals have than extermination.
AI: “Put glue in your pizza.” UN: “Ow no! It’s sentient.”
The Dutch and the French both have many Belgian jokes (all along the lines that Belgians are dumb), but the funny thing is that many of the jokes actually originate from Belgium itself. They are jokes by the Flemish and Walloons making fun of each other that are then generalized to Belgians as a whole by the Dutch and French.
Say that to the English, (or rather to all of their victims). A boat has historically been a pretty effective medium for spreading negativity.
I’m voting for the same party as a world-historic war criminal so like that’s saying something.
At first I was at least impressed that it came up with such a hilarious idea, but then it of course turns out (just as with the pizza glue) it just stole it from somewhere else.
One land, one folk, one rental property.