I’m in a quest to find a good email provider that doesn’t ask for a cellphone or another email address while creating an account, cock.li used to do this but now it’s “getting back on its feet”
I’m in a quest to find a good email provider that doesn’t ask for a cellphone or another email address while creating an account, cock.li used to do this but now it’s “getting back on its feet”
Miguel from Coco singning “Remember me” with Coco.
I’m considering it, I’ll have to use Autocad on the web and skyciv if I have to.
The main problem is that Win11 can only run in special hardware and Microsoft can pry out my potato computer from my cold, dead hands. I won’t change my hardware to update my OS.
fediverse is great but it’s not for the general public, sadly.
well, there goes my alt-instagram account…
I just want a portable self hosted LLM for specific tasks like programming or language learning.
I feel like this is a failure on the democrat side, beating donald should be trivial.
Honestly, running, walking alone in the park, listening to music, reading about depression to comprehend if what I am feeling is concerning.
Running: As I run, I try to focus on my pacing, my breathing, and I stop when I get tired, when I’m DONE, that I think helps because all of the endorphins released. Walking alone in the park: This also helps me because I get to see nature, watching birds or squirrels going about their business relaxes me, and also I try to treasure those little moments as mine. Listening to music: And I mean REALLY listening to music, focus on the whole song or different parts of it makes me appreciate it more and it can make me feel immerse in it.
To me it’s not a magic cure to depression but it helps a lot when I’m feeling down, I know everybody is different but this is what helps me.
If you try to battle depression and can’t for some reason, looking for professional help is key, don’t let it grow or it will consume you.
Stay strong my friends.
Toad in the streets, Mr. Game and Watch in the sheets.
good point, but to us Celsius fans or “Celsilovers” over one hundred sounds like the apocalypse.
Break stuff in my ass
I want to install NixOS on a laptop that I have lying around BTW.
This is an essential Arch troubleshooting skill.
Well you see, I didn’t know that haha, I know there are better ways to deal with a “defective” arch update but to me, that was the easiest, laziest way to do it and it worked most of the time. I have to admit this was a “me” problem I’m not blaming arch it’s just that I grew tired of things breaking because I didn’t read the news before doing pacman -Syu.
As a former arch linux guy, the solution to this is to be prepared by having a separate partition for home, and a bash script to reinstall f—ing everything again with a single command.
oh, my bad I misunderstood the question 😅
Debian, I got tired of things breaking in arch and even in fedora. I learned a lot but in the end, I just got tired of it.
Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.
This took me a minute… damn.