This is giving me goatee vibes
This is giving me goatee vibes
Illuminati controls the Monet
As a Tumbleweed user, I fully agree 😎
at first I thought they were “hand pressing” the sign
forgot to take the Fourier transform
Kate Christobek is not a fan of the Oxford comma
I’ve never seen the word “yever” before, but I like it
Noise canceling gives me a headache, so that’s a con for me
Why is the title on the back cover
Do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down?
Company making millions due to its workers efforts, while rewarding them with practically nothing? Sounds like business school is teaching capitalism perfectly.
Okay but raster images can’t represent circles either, since they’re just approximations using squares
There are two stalls in the bathroom on my floor, and both have automatic flushing. But the one on the right is miscalibrated, so it flushes every time I lean to wipe, which is really annoying. So the one on the left is my favorite.
Goatse keyboard
What’s the real phrase?