Understood. Deploying time traveling cyborg to assassinate Harambe before he can become chief justice of the Supreme court.
Understood. Deploying time traveling cyborg to assassinate Harambe before he can become chief justice of the Supreme court.
Thats not what I said either. You seem to be intent on finding a strawman to attack here.
No that is pretty explicitly not what they said.
Many of the people claiming to be too liberal for the dems online were not really people, or at least not eligible US voters. They choose whichever perspective is most destabilizing at the moment and push that, sometimes switching accounts and sometimes not even bothering to do that. Theyll jump from Bernie to Trump to Stein and back to Trump without a second thought because they do not actually believe in the positions they are backing, only the chaos they can cause. Some of these people are unaffiliated trolls, some are self organized volunteers, some are paid call center workers and some are bots.
Up until a few weeks ago they were usually pretty meticulous about that sort of thing. Going forward…who knows.
And anyone who was would have to be a raging moron to comment about it online.
And the elements arnt even the rare or valuable part, its the processing. Just be sure not to make Cuba’s mistake and put a damned expiration date on that lease.
They wernt going to be operating in China anyway.
I’m not sure what you want exactly. Its pretty hard to prove a negative, but that does not make the inverse true.
It seems like a pretty good reason to exclude them, considering the criticism being discuss was specifically that they would inevitably decay in to a “might makes right” situation. Communities existing in a situation where police and courts would prevent someone from taking over by force disqualifies them from disproving this hypothesis.
Which ones? There are few places on Earth that are not under practical control of a formal government and legal system, and most of those places are either unpopulated or controlled by various local power brokers.
That works for a phone or a laptop when the manufacturer expects you to upgrade every few years. An average house might have dozens of different items, each with its own battery with different size, capacity and discharge needs. Its already hard to track down replacement batteries for older model phones and laptops, and its going to be ten times worse trying to find just the right battery for your specific model of printer or coffee machine years after its left production. Are appliances just supposed to be disposable now, or is it just a gimmick for the first couple of years you own something? In either case, it doesnt seem like the savings to the power grid could possibly justify the expense or the waste.
And the batteries wont last nearly as long as the fridge should. Do you just toss the whole thing when it starts defrosting every morning at 2am?
Just like incremental improvements in the bicycle will eventually allow for hypersonic peddling.
Its probably part of the standard severance package. Hand in your laptop, sign an NDA, take your COBRA paperwork, and fill out the AGI terror press release.
Its just a half assed plan. His leverage all comes from being head of the executive branch of the richest and post powerful country on Earth. Making that institution dysfunctional and unpopular only weakens his position.
From what Ive seen Deepseek is particularly prone to hallucinating and is extremely suggestable. It just thought it knew what you wanted to hear and said that, then got confused trying to justify what it had said.
Sales taxes, including VAT, are inherently regressive. Normally things like unprocessed food are exempted to minimize impact, but it does still affect the poor more than the rich. Why keep them? They are easy to collect, hard to avoid and can bring in lots of revenue without people noticing or complaining.
Oh yea, they did such a great job last time.
Because this is more AI hype. You just have to read this from his target audience’s point of view. Because of AI your competitors dont even need employees anymore. Why hasnt this happened to your company? Because you didnt have the right AI suppliers and gurus.