I haven’t had any issues with any of my games.
For anything not on steam, there’s bottles or lutris, both of which work amazingly well.
“Chat, which rock should I test first?”
I name my devices after greek gods based on what I’m going in life at the time or after what their purpose is.
I named my first gaming PC “Poseidon” when I was doing ship related work. Now it’s my server.
My gaming PC is “Asclepius”, the Greek god of healing. Built when I got into healthcare.
Hermes, god of messeges, is my lil pi that helps with routing (pihole, pivpn, nginx).
My HTPC is Dionysus, Greek god of wine and parties.
My thinkpad is Persephone cus it looks good but doesn’t do much. I might rename it.
The services that I run on these are just named “device-service” e.g. hermes-nginx
They’re jeans. You don’t have to wash them every day.
The movie was really well done. It’s a simpler animation style so don’t expect Pixar level stuff, but the story and art direction are great.
Most of their profit is from enterprise/server cards, not consumer cards. They likely don’t care that much about the issues with the 5000 series
iirc, they removed port forwarding because people were hosting CSAM and Mullvad lost some location/internet providers business.
For the services already hosted by the VPS, I just point service.web.site to the appropriate localhost:port.
My hiccup is that the VPN software (pivpn) gives me an internal IP for the clients but pointing Nginx to that IP doesn’t work.
Network config confuses the hell out of me.
haha same 🥲
which IP are you trying to obfuscate with a VPN?
My goal was to hide my home IP by routing everything through the VPS. The VPN is hosted on the VPS.
Why don’t you just host your public services on the VPS, and whatever else private on your home equipment.
The VPS is 1 core and 35 GB of storage. I host several websites and some game serves on my home server.
The goal is to route the services through the VPN and point Nginx to them… but it doesn’t work.
The VPN is hosted on the VPS, which I rent and have full control of. It’s my own VPN between my devices.
The intent is to put my VPS between my services and the outside world so that it doesn’t expose my home IP.
I think you got it reversed. I want the container traffic to go through the VPN to the VPS and I want the reverse proxy on the VPS to point to that container.
I want the website (hosted at my house) to be accessible through the VPS so my IP isn’t directly exposed.
Nginx was already set up and working before. I have some sites hosted directly on the VPS as well.
I’m just not sure how to make a http request go to a VPN client
I’m using 4 refurbished drives in my server. My first one is showing early signs of failing after three years of being my main torrenting/plex drive.
The other three are new (to me) and are an upgrade from the failing one.
I’d say if the prices are decent, and it includes a year warranty, it doesn’t sound like a bad deal. Just make sure to back it up.
heh he got hit in the balls