Yeah, it was absolutely crazy to me. I know several diabetics who would be given a needle for their insulin… But they acted like I was going to shoot up some smack after they literally handed me B-12 to inject.
Yeah, it was absolutely crazy to me. I know several diabetics who would be given a needle for their insulin… But they acted like I was going to shoot up some smack after they literally handed me B-12 to inject.
These people are basically monsters.
They’ve knowingly and willingly set their greed above everyone and everything living on the planet.
Literal cartoon villain style shit. Knowingly stymying climate research, funding what are essentially disinformation campaigns… All for greed and selfishness.
I weep for the future and for what the children of today will never get to have because of monsters like this.
“They don’t teach my intellectually unsound, experimentally unverified viewpoint at the learning place!”
And I’m considered a snowflake for having and expressing human emotions. Jfc
My doctor diagnosed me with a b-12 deficiency. Something easily fixed with a shot she prescribed.
The pharmacist looked at me like I was a drug addict when I asked where the needle for the injection was when I picked up the scrip. “Just have the doctor do it”.
Fee for randomly showing up to my doctor to get the shot? $0
Fee for getting the shot done when I was actively at a scheduled check up? $130
I take an oral supplement instead now that’s not quite as effective.
Coin tricks. Especially knuckle rolling coins and learning how to change the position of the coin between various palming techniques.
If you’re taking water and putting it in a closed loop, you’re effectively removing it from the natural water cycle until you remove it from said closed loop, no?
I agree the articles make it sound more like they are just burning water out of existence lol.
It’s not about the rich paying their fair share.
We need to tax them specifically to reduce their insane power in our system.
The federal government doesn’t need them to finance a damn thing. It can finance anything it wants to with the stroke of a pen.
We are not reliant on the rich.
The black man on the supreme court might want to rethink the stance on going with “history and tradition”.
Or maybe he thinks his vote should only count as 3/5 of a vote?
Oh right. It will be cherry picked bullshit that fits whatever corrupted crap they want to force onto all of us.
Except that’s a sham way of framing things that most people use.
The US is monetarily sovereign and can always issue enough currency to meet any demands upon it.
Uncle Sam doesn’t go around collecting dollars like a beggar to apply to things. It creates money directly through spending, or backstops the creation of demand deposits by private banks via the reserve system. Money has to be created before it can be destroyed through taxation.
The issue isn’t, “Where will we get the money?”
The REAL issue is, “Will we have the infrastructure to care for our elderly?”
Warren Mosler goes over this in one of his better short pieces of literature.
Because the national “debt” is the number of dollars that haven’t been destroyed through taxation.
It’s not real currency, it’s a token.
I can’t use it to pay my taxes to the US federal government and it must be traded in for actual currency to do so.
Just like a token at an arcade.
They are also vehicles of wild speculation… And unlike stocks (where I gain partial ownership of a company) and bonds (where I gain a claim on their monetary inflows and primacy if the venture crumbles), crypto gives me… What exactly?
I don’t get to be an owner or a creditor. I become… Holder of a mining incentive?
I’m sorry it’s not what a lot of people seem to think it is.
Bet that old timer loves his Medicare and social security, though. Lmfao
So you’re cutting the butter with the spoon, too, I assume? Do you not refrigerate your butter?
Not being critical. Legit curious
Maybe they should pull their houses out of this predicament by their boot straps
The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.
It’s almost like making the line go up at all costs at an ever increasing rate isn’t the best way to run a company
Just so you know, that brown thing is called a cornucopia! Literally “horn of abundance” in Latin.
I love cereal but that shit has zero staying power. It is noting remotely like a full meal.
There are way better things if I want some brinner
I have four monitors. Two slightly angled directly in front of me, one angled on the left and a small 10 inch directly below my two main monitors that I use specifically for discord and my friend’s chat app he’s working on.
Why two directly in front of me with the split in the middle? I only have to shift my head slightly to move between the game I’m playing and whatever I’m watching.
But it’s more useful when I’m working on pixel art because I can have my drawing on one main monitor and my reference in the other while having a show or stream on the secondary angled on my left and chat stays on the small monitor.
As for if that helps productivity, I have no idea.
But I sure like my setup now.