If anyone is experiencing this issue like me, you can manually change the date on your phone to 12/31/23, then open your Wear app, manually update your watch, and then change the date back to automatic. Should fix it!
If anyone is experiencing this issue like me, you can manually change the date on your phone to 12/31/23, then open your Wear app, manually update your watch, and then change the date back to automatic. Should fix it!
Weird that I don’t seem to get notifications for comment replies using Sync, so sorry for the delayed response.
I don’t enjoy drinking the apple cider vinegar, HOWEVER, it has has a huge positive impact on me in combination with keto. It goes down hard, but extremely worth it for me!
So the lawsuit appears to be looking at Google as a search engine monopoly, not web browser, right? And if I’m understanding this right, assuming this lawsuit goes anywhere, it would actually incentivize Google to pull funding from Firefox to no longer support that search engine exclusivity deal.
This should be the top comment, and I’m going to come back to view the replies. I can’t personally think of any realistic alternatives. Someone further down posted a link to an article about the US investigating Google for a search engine monopoly, but I’m not sure how large a role that would factor into web browsers.
I’m on a keto diet, and I NEED the electrolytes. I found this recipe and it’s been helping me so far. https://www.ketofitnessclub.com/blogs/drinks/electrolyte-drink
I’d be interested in anyone’s takes on that recipe, hopefully I’m not poisoning my liver or something…
Edit: I just read your previous post, so you probably shouldn’t try this recipe as it uses apple cider vinegar which I believe would aggravate your ulcer.
Are you in the US? I’m curious if you use a VPN with streamio?
What’s stopping someone from printing a fake ID on paper? Also would a printed photo pass the “selfie” test?
I don’t see this as a permanent fix. If this is easily implemented, I wouldn’t be against it, but like all things sync, I would hope the feature would be OPTIONAL!
Trying to take your advice and not look into the game. Can you tell us what genre this is?
The Fountain is a great movie that you have to watch at least twice. Also watch it stoned for bonus points.
I have no clue how it’s sitting at 52% critic score on RT…
Don’t you mean X-ecutives?!
It’s not that simple, there are local grids that can only take so much. California had rolling blackouts as recent as 2020 https://abcn.ws/3er0Y8i
And completely unrelated, but due to the wildfires and the lawsuits against the power companies, they have also started cutting power when the lines are in areas of high wind. https://www.cpuc.ca.gov/psps/
Yes, same exact scenario here. My wife got me one as agag gift for Christmas, I used it and it makes clean up so much easier. I don’t know how much they cost, but I would say it’s worth $20!
I used exclusively go into subway for the tuna sandwich…
Curious where they were processing l purchasing their furniture from. Would someone be able to purchase an individual set, or is it wholesale only?
Maybe someone can help me out. I have EmulationStation installed and for GBA and 3DS games, it works perfectly. Zero complaints. The issue is for some reason N64 games won’t work after r a Steam Deck update. Without fail, every single time I update my Deck, N64 games refuse to open. I have no idea where to start troubleshooting… I’ve been able to install an N64 game, add it to Steam, play it in Gaming mode and everything works fine. Just refuses to let me open any N64 game after an update.