I’m curious what the sentencing for these crimes might look like. I haven’t seen a single report yet of the guideline prison terms for anything Trump is facing. And, as serious as this all sounds, without meaningful risk, it’s all fairly pointless.
I’m curious what the sentencing for these crimes might look like. I haven’t seen a single report yet of the guideline prison terms for anything Trump is facing. And, as serious as this all sounds, without meaningful risk, it’s all fairly pointless.
Only age-related ones
I’m 40. Too old to learn??
Looks interesting. Would love to know more about the people behind it. A lot of trust to put in some anonymous devs with a new app
I see a lot of alternatives being discussed here so I’ll just throw one more on the pile for Mac users: Devonthink.
It organizes and centralizes a bunch of stuff for me. Has tagging, folders, a bunch of handy metadata and even tries to automatically sort/file things. It allows separate databases for work, personal or projects. Syncs/backs up via popular cloud providers - even multiple if you want redundancy. Just about the only thing I wish it did a better job of is scanning to PDF with a phone camera.
Fingers on the pulse, I see.