I am not sure what it is, but I’ll add a few rocks on the pile:
One has to choose between the fight of a lifetime or a life of fights. I have chosen a specific fight but I will be a support or an ally where I can. I will never be an opponent or an obstacle.
Anarchists praise praxis: practice as the best way to preach. Wherever possible, practice what you believe in and help create little bubbles of what “should be”.
D’accord donc Hanouna est en couple avec la fille de Brigitte Macron. Je pensais que ce milieu faisait quand même un peu attention à ce que ça se voit pas trop mais visiblement on est en mode OSEF sur les liens avec l’ED.
Si l’histoire t’intéresse, tu devrais lire au sujet de TempleOS, un OS développé par un type que la tradition judéo-chrétienne appellerait normalement un prophète (=une personne qui reçoit des révélations de Dieu) et il se trouve que Dieu a des idées bien arrêtées sur les défauts du protocole USB.
Dans mon village ils ont fait un truc simple: mis des équipements de salle de sport dans le jardin d’enfant, comme ça les parents peuvent les utiliser pendant que leurs enfants s’amusent. Ça faisait longtemps que j’avais pas exercé mes pecs!
C’est à cause de ce genre de trucs que je m’inquiète pas trop. 2030 c’est pas tout de suite et c’est une fausse bonne idée. Imposer à tout le monde le smartphone pour démarrer un véhicule, déjà, c’est très limite. Je m’attends à ce que ça devienne genre juste un lecteur de RFID pour valider le permis.
Mais c’est clair que les bricoleurs aimeraient bien un peu plus d’amour pour avoir le droit d’expérimenter légalement.
Rien n’empêche d’implémenter un truc pareil en mode low-tech. Tout dépend d’à quel point ils verrouillent la techno d’authentification. Hélas on peut en effet s’attendre à ce qu’ils filent le monopole à quelques boites qui vont marger x20 sur ces boîtiers.
C’est toute une famille qui défend leur fille contre un pédophile meurtrier et suicidaire.
Si tu parles du conte original, tu peux ajouter “un immigrant chinois”, qui est l’origine canonique de Al.
Je dois avouer que je saisis pas plus le sens en VO, pour moi c’est juste une réponse absurde et cynique de Korben
les rendra chauves et impuissants
Ce qui est d’autant plus con que si je ne m’abuse, la calvitie est causée indirectement par la testostérone (ce qui explique pourquoi les femmes sont peu touchées)
I don’t think it’s an all or nothing question, it’s a matter of knowing where you are putting the cursor. And I think we agree that thinking in terms of punishment is counterproductive. I prefer to think in terms of incentives.
According to Graebber, we do have a lot of empirical data because primitive populations were basically using either gift economy or debt/reputation economies. Contrary to popular belief, barter was not a common way of doing transactions. Thing is, that was held by some sort of xenophobia where you can’t really accept people from outside to partake in it unless they accept a ton of often pretty regressive social rules. So that’s not exactly a model, but this is a lot of data we can examine.
I don’t really know cases of gift economies being tried and failing, but it’s possible that it often isn’t reported if it happens.
Anytime a non-profit stops for lack of volunteers, that’s a gift economy that’s failing. Whether it is goods or service that you are giving, that’s part of a gift economy.
And many, many, many experiments since the 60s and the 70s have been done in that respect. And none managed to grow organically.
In terms of social predictive reasoning, you could make the argument that openly telling resellers “it’s fine if you resell it if you need the money but please donate or contribute if you can, and please tell people about us” is way more effective than turning it into a game of wits
One of the eye-opening themes that recently added a layer of depth to my views on anarchism was neurodiversity. I realized that the reasons that made me prefer anarchism and gift economies and reputation economies were mostly psychological and that not having them did not make people idiots or less moral than I am. Therefore, if I want to see a society where I am comfortable and where I fit, I have to make it work within a system where other psychological profiles are also comfortable.
A lot of people will naturally abide by rules that are given, even if they have no teeth. Some people like us will infer rules from a really free market about the fact that one should not resell things that are given. But I have met enough people to know that there is also a very common profile that considers that if you can get away with free stuff, you are smart. And the people who made these rules are dumb. And it’s totally fine to “win” by taking away what you can.
These people exist. And it’s not a rare profile. They are not going to be stopped by a sign that just says “please”. And I don’t want a system where we have policemen chasing them and beating them up if they don’t obey the rules. It’s unavoidable, we have to play their game of wits to some extent.
It is a constraint, but it is the same type of constraints that you have when you have to design something for colorblind people or to make it accessible to wheelchairs.
I don’t know if I would call it teeth, but I think a sufficient incentive can simply be access. You want to participate in a gift economy? Yes? then welcome. You are partaking action that would destroy it? Then no, you’re stuck to the less efficient capitalist system then, and we are only going to sell things to you that we have would have given to other people.
Thing is it requires some sort of tracking of the people or some sort of in-group.
Who would do the nastiest-jobs except for pay?
On that specific subject, I think that the question is biased. I think that some jobs developed to be particularly nasty because we have no shortage of people who are desperate to accept minimum wage. Otherwise, the nastiest job would be very high pay. I mean, it is more fun to be a programmer than a sewer cleaner. In theory, that would mean that the sewer cleaner’s job would have higher pay.
If on the other hand we switch the question in terms of how can we attract volunteers, things change radically. I have been to a rice harvest event that were basically the social event of the village and that ended up with a party where everyone is exhausted but happy looking at the rice dry.
Many people take pride in their work and it doesn’t take a lot to make it attractive to volunteers. Strangely, the highest paying jobs are often the most desirable and the most enjoyable to do.
Absolument, mais j’ai peur que l’AMA déraille assez vite.
Je parle de l’hypothèse dans laquelle les détenus votent par correspondance.
Oui je trouve ça mieux d’avoir un bureau de vote dans la prison.
Merci! J’ai testé un peu, pas mal de trucs sympas dans l’interface dites donc! Par contre c’est très lent, je pense que les ressources doivent être un peu limitées. Dites moi si vous faites des tests de charge, je peux l’utiliser aussi intensivement que mon compte principal (keepthepace@slrpnk.net) sinon je vais juste y passer en tant que visiteur.
Je pense que c’est ça: https://translate.piefed.social/translate/piefed/main-web-app/fr/?checksum=d1b49a304dbea5d6&q=Enregistrer&sort_by=-priority%2Cposition
Le problème c’est que cet outil de traduction considère que toutes les chaînes de caractère “save” sont à traduire de la même façon, et dans certains cas, c’est correct.
J’arguerais que le vrai bug c’est que la version EN devrait être “publish” et que c’est le code qu’il faut corriger et non la traduction. Je pense que c’est cette ligne:
Demande envoyée! Vous avez un repo pour la trad? Je peux tenter de me motiver pour envoyer des PRs
Ils sont pas aussi admins de l’instance la plus défédérée du fedivers? (lemmy.ml)
C’est marrant, j’aurais dit Paris.
Chirac avait Omar Bongo, Sarkozy Kadhafi, Macron a Alstom. À ce niveau, on peut plaider la tradition républicaine.