I for one cannot wait for robots to be able to do all the mundane tasks, like being a cashier or truck driver, så that people can work in sectors that produce more value per hour spent. This is just an opinion tho :)
I easily use Firefox and mitID and there is no problem, but if I’m wrong or using a special version it could be different for us
Short and powerful, so satisfying
I think it is really interesting that they use it as practice, it sounds like the arron in the article don’t want to replace all human contact, because he understands the human interaction that is nessesary. Cool insight that he uses it to practice talking.
Introverts no longer have to imagine the cool scenarios they can “test” them with an AI
This would be interesting
If more cops are on the street and they only do cop stuff then I see this as an absolute win
This is the technology i hoped the future had in store for me
Alright I got it. For others it means
Variable Refresh Rate (VRR)
Perhaps I’m dumb but what is VRR?
Gorgeism would solve this
Sounds like they like owning the bike more than riding it
Another company who thinks cars are the only solution to human logistics
I am always curious, why does Egypt not want to help Palestinian refugees? Or even allow then to travel through?
I started sorg freecad and yes, i have had my struggles with it but i havent felt like i missed out. My advice is to give it a go
I have seen a group called something along the lines of “queers for Palestinia”, never would have guessed those groups would be on the same side
Well, he was banished for being proud. But it all depends how you interpret the Bible
I understand it to be Jordan b Peterson
Loops has pretty ok integration, nice to see people use loops