Stealing this from OP, it’s called “Behind the Curve” and it is hilarious.
They do an experiment with a navigation unit from an airliner and it consistently proves them wrong too.
Stealing this from OP, it’s called “Behind the Curve” and it is hilarious.
They do an experiment with a navigation unit from an airliner and it consistently proves them wrong too.
What if the ai is lying? What if it’s lazy and like “fuck it, this’ll do to keep the meat bag happy.”
What if?!
I’m sure that would paws the conversation…
Oddly enough, Witcher 3. It took a mate of mine to convince me to give it another go, now I love it.
Sometimes it’s nice to be recklessly optimistic.
To be fair, I reckon a well made SC FPS could be pretty rad if you got to play each species/unit type. Playing as a Zealot or Dark Templar would be awesome.
Well, thanks very much! Just shy of 20GB!
You can now be more accurately late for work. Or your coffee is more accurately taking a long time to come out.
I open an Inn and get to play Gwent against Gerelt of Rivia!
Agreed, there were too many “then what?” when you start to ask questions. On the surface, yep, sounds good to me! But “how does that help?” or “what would they do?” or “who picks them?” lead to some pretty piss poor answers.
I think the biggest red flag for people was that a large portion (possibly not the majority) of the Aboriginals that had a platform of some kind were against it themselves. Why?
It hurts, but you’ve got my upvote.
I believe you meant “what the fuck, cunt?!”
Be proud of our heritage, mate.
Agreed. Too many instances and people (me included) not understanding federation and all the instances.
Reddit was one place with a ton of rooms, this is a ton of places with a single, often tiny, quiet room.
I used to watch his show on YouTube, not for Joe, but for the guests. I was pretty selective in who’s episodes I’d watch so I feel like I avoided a lot of the bullshit by default. But I did watch some of the real crazies just to see how crazy… very… the answer is very.
I haven’t watched or listened to any of his stuff in a long time, probably since the start of Covid where he would push really hard that it’s fake and that freedoms were being impinged. We had some pretty tough lock downs in Australia but the vast majority of us could see why. What Joe was saying was being echoed by “the cookers” so he lost me.
“The cookers” (as in Meth, as I understand it) is the nickname of the conspiracy theorists.
I just got diabetes reading that!
As an Australian, I’m not angry, just very, very disappointed.
Milo is a right of passage in childhood, particularly if you have siblings. In fact I’m sure making one is on the citizenship test. If you don’t understand why, then you’re doing it wrong.
I’d say his warranty expired a few decades ago. Roughly the time when most would/should retire…
Same here brother, Makita all the way. I respect all the brands, but once you buy a battery and a charger for one brand, you’re in it.