How much is same-day courier service though?
How much is same-day courier service though?
die Außenpolitik ist der Punkt, wo ich auch anderer Meinung bin (FCKPTN). Aber der Kampf gegen den Faschismus und der größer werdenden Schere zwischen Arm und Reich sind mir wichtiger.
Putin ist meiner Meinung auch Faschist, die Position der Linken zum Ukrainekrieg ergibt für mich einfach keinen Sinn. Ist wirklich schade.
Yep, and they suck at analogies too. The old format usually had fairly enlightened people encounter an injustice, usually making it right in some way. It’s morality theater. Discovery made the Federation itself dark and edgy and the people on board a complete mess, not a world I’d like to live in. Maybe that’s what some people perceive when they complain about “politics”.
It is impressive, but the marketing around it has really, really gone off the deep end.
It was a misnomer there too, but at least people didn’t think a bot playing C&C would be able to save the world by evolving into a real, greater than human intelligence.
Looks like it is not any smarter than the other junk on the market. The confusion that people consider AI as “intelligence” may be rooted in their own deficits in that area.
Yep, because they believed that OpenAI’s (two lies in a name) models would magically digivolve into something that goes well beyond what it was designed to be. Trust us, you just have to feed it more data!
And now people exchange one American Junk-spitting Spyware for a Chinese junk-spitting spyware. Hurray! Progress!
That’s the neat bit, really. With that model being free to download and run locally it’s actually potentially disruptive to OpenAI’s business model. They don’t need to do anything malicious to hurt the US’ economy.
It’s kinda funny. Their magical bullshitting machine scored higher on made up tests than our magical bullshitting machine, the economy is in shambles! It’s like someone losing a year’s wages in sports betting.
It’s one of those sentences where you can put the emphasis on any of the words and get different implications.
Nobody’s going to be fine.
Not even Elon?
Etcher seems stable! But it’s also a well over 100 MB download for a disk image writer. Rufus does more in less than 1% of the download size and also has a GUI.
They probably don’t share my concern. I hope they are right.
If you like Arch you might like Void, it has roughly similar ideals and a very fast package manager. No AUR equivalent though.
Hexbear user spotted (or at least that’s what my first impression is with the weird image)
Heck no, that’s just an ancient meme to indicate it’s just banter/harmless trolling, not an attempt at serious discourse.
Windows isn’t controversial since everyone has adopted it. No one is making you use it but keep in mind you are a very small minority.
I’m about 2 decades in too, really not here to argue since everything has already been said multiple times. I do see systemd in a somewhat similar light as Pulseaudio. Yes, some good ideas there and it’s a useful tool, but it wasn’t the be-all end-all solution.
We still have mass phenomenons and bringing 100 people together is plenty. What’s probably missing is local community.
That’s fair, I agree. I just find it a bit concerning that random people who try to make money off of affiliate links are encouraged to join this class action lawsuit about a client-side browser addon. I totally understand why people who have had sponsorship agreements with them would sue, but that’s purely between the two businesses. If this results in a ruling that has nothing to do with the lack of transparency then that might ultimately be a bad thing.
Literally deadly neurotoxin, except people voluntarily ingest it, even pay for it. GLaDOS has some thinking to do.