@MouseKeyboard @sirblastalot +2 sword, can’t stop attacking until blood is drawn
@MouseKeyboard @sirblastalot +2 sword, can’t stop attacking until blood is drawn
@loboaureo @copacetic yeah. Until they decide to argue to revoke the license for reasons.
(Also you have to watch out what part is covered under the license, some stuff is gonna be product identity)
(Actually, the beneficial part of this is mostly that you can use their own expression of the rules to make games. Rules as such are not copyrightable, but if you are expressing the rules too similar to their own texts they still could sue you. Using such a license is supposed to take care of that)
@DmMacniel @TheGreatDarkness because it sells. And no matter what hobby stuff is going on, dnd players are disconnected from that to a point. There are people that do not even realize there is a wider hobby outside of 5e
@frauddogg @StraySojourner we went back to 3rd edition. It’s a bit better.
A bit.
@Obonga @copacetic the author is putting too much effort into writing this. Obviously it hasn’t ruined roleplaying if the hobby didn’t stop. It’s not like people were forced to play that way, not even in 3e. It’s just that a lot of people took to it because it was easier for them. And yes, getting people out of the habit is an issue sometimes, but if it was successful, did it really ruin anything?
People really should calm down sometimes and let people do what they like.
@StringTheory @Five that’s something that some people do actually believe. it is scary that people like that run around, but every ones in a while you run into that sort of person.
@Susaga @pinkdrunkenelephants you are not getting the real twist. Replace the sword with a fake, completely non-magical one.it doesn’t have to be evil. The paladin only has to believe it only hurts evil people.
@AttackBunny @JoYo modern music always sucks. the reason why the music of the past seems better is because nobody remembers all the chaff that populated the charts.
@zaph @Stamets ai just doesn’t do those relations that well. It knows how riddles are supposed to look like, but I doubt it can do the mental leap between questions and answers