• 86 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2024

  • If you’re talking about AGI, potentially any form of art would be at its grasp, maybe even some which may not necessarily look like art to us.

    If you’re talking about the generative models of today, they are incapable of producing art, because they are incapable of emotional intent and expression.

    Even Warhol was driven by disdain, and the ironically arty bit was how sort of stripped of art his art was as a result of his disdain.

  • That’s a very good point, and SteamOS pretty much proves it - newness is less scary with a guide.

    It’s what the monoliths do as well, though their ‘tutorials’ are mostly covered by just how railroaded the user is by all of the limitations.

    Heck, took me a while to get on Lemmy when thinking about looking up then subbing to familiar communities, but then I found a list with links to equivalents for most of the ol’ Reddit stomping grounds, so it was just a matter of signing up then clicking through several hyperlinks, which was significantly easier! Took about 15 minutes to be back at doomscrolling.

  • This was my exact thinking the moment I realised I, yet again, needed a GPU upgrade (thanks, Unreal 5…). Which is why I seared my soul and dished for a 4080 Super, with the hopes that I’ll be covered for a decade at least. The 40s at least seem to still be built mainly for pretty pictures.

    Genuinely not worth paying attention to this nonsense. Maybe - MAYBE - AMD will pull a Comrade and will shift full focus on creating genuinely good and progressively better GPUs, meant for friggin’ graphics processing and not this “AI” tumor. But that’s a big-ass “maybe.”

  • Very true! I mean, sure, maybe Microsoft and Apple win in terms of eye candy elements present in their software, but a bigger effects budget doesn’t fix a bad script - Linux and even Ubuntu are several orders of magnitude more versatile than either Windows or MacOS. And this is just OS-wise, there’s a metric truckload of open source apps which blow the ‘officials’ out of the water entirely!

    Humanity is clearly geared toward collaborative survival and evolution, every single genuinely decentralised thing which is not driven by profit feels so much more Real and human than the market-borne alternatives.

  • Y’know… considering the fact that human consciousness is, as far as we can tell, essentially a very specific configuration of energy, that means that it’ll inevitably be reintegrated into the system once Lady Death pays us a visit.

    Conservation of Energy then pretty much ensures that some form of reincarnation is inevitable, to my mind.

    My real question is, how much consciousness persists throughout the process of recycling that energy? Because, to me, the Universe as a system is anything but wasteful, and memories in particular are highly refined ‘goods.’

    As a side note, this is also why I simply can’t picture the entirety of existence as anything other than alive in itself.

  • Savouring the anticipative Schadenfreude of that inevitable pop and the disarray which will follow is one of the few things which keep me going. And it won’t make me happy in the slightest when the waves’ll hit pretty much everyone around.

    But I’d be lying if I said I won’t take immense satisfaction in the fall of every one of these monoliths. And I still hold the belief that humanity won’t just keep on hammering itself in the face like this over and over again. Maybe when this one falls… y’know? Or maybe the next one if not this one. Narrowing horizon of action, but it isn’t closed yet.

    Edit: crap, sorry about the dump. Going through it, it seems.

  • I genuinely think that’s a noble sentiment and I share that concern. However, this would entail making a deal with the Devil at this point, and pretty much literally.

    Most if not all relevant models nowadays are owned by outwardly unscrupulous people, which means any correct interaction we have with their models only serves to build up the Devil’s throne.

    It is a downright tragedy that people will suffer as a result of said models, but that fault is not on us. Besides the fact that they’re essentially stealing labour and data in order to train their models, they’re also using them to dish out propaganda, to replace workers and throwing them in a ditch, to cause yet another financial bubble which’ll flush the toilet when it inevitably pops - again.

    We need to let them fail, otherwise we are just encouraging others to use us in the same exact ways.

  • Mars is very pretty, too! It has that austere serenity to it. May be completely biased in thinking this, but every official photo from Mars gives me that distinct feeling of once-alive, almost liminal.

    Heck, every planet is wonderful in its own way, even Venus! There’s something awe-inspiring about the sheer inhospitability of that place. And the surface looks like Silent Hill: The Planet!

    Edit, because this got me started: we live in an absolutely wonderful universe, all in all! Even our relatively backwater region of space is awesome, our solar system kicks ass, even if our Sun is essentially a runt in terms of mass. It’s our runt!

    I can only dream of one day exiting the atmosphere and getting that particular perspective on existence, which is why it saddens me so much to see where space exploration’s heading (edited from the more politically loaded variant).