Look for a sight glass. Usually nearby. Stand the bike upright and check the level that way. Consult the owners manual to know if you should check when cold, running, etc.
Just fill it with new trash later
That’s what I said and she shook her head at me.
Did you at least warm up first? My wife warned me about shoveling and how it can cause heart attacks for men of our age. Gotta get that old ticker in motion.
The Medical Examiner later determined that Mohamed’s death was caused by pulmonary thromboembolism, a condition where a blood clot blocks an artery in the lungs, often leading to fatal outcomes.
Saved you a click
Imagine how easy it will be for them to hide default settings no one would even know existed.
Using the inversion method too, most excellent.
I’ve found you can extend the life of the plunger by placing the plunger rubber-side down on a table or counter top, tilting it slightly onto the edge of the rubber and then rotating it. This essentially presses the rubber and extends it outwards and seems to help achieve the seal you expect. I’ve been doing it for a while now and it’s worked well for me.
I’m sure it won’t last forever but it’s something worth trying to get a bit more life out of it.
Oh this is great! Thanks!
You’re a Java developer. Go do Java development where that’s needed. You can use this AI prototyping phase as a feather in your proverbial cap. Considering the landscape today, that might not be a bad thing.
Of course, on the other hand this job gives you an income and something new to learn. If it’s uninteresting or unsatisfying then you have to make the decision on if it’s worth it to stay on.
As others have said - go look and see what’s out there. You might find a better fit.
This is beautiful. You should be proud! Well done!
The plugin is LayerSlider for anyone who is concerned.
Sure! I hope you find it enjoyable!
Have you heard of S.H. Jucha’s Silver Ships series? I’ve recently started it and am enjoying it. It’s not hard sci-fi but it’s close enough to make things feel accessible without much suspension of disbelief.
Also, nice bike 👍