Commissar of Antifa

He/him 🇰🇵 🇨🇳 🇨🇺 🇱🇦 🇻🇳 🇵🇸 🏳️‍🌈 مرگ بر آمریکا


Рабочие всех стран, соединяйтесь

  • 15 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: December 18th, 2021


  • For the USA, Canada, and Australia, I think we should create something like the Soviet of Nationalities in the USSR where all nations in the country have a certain number of representatives. In the USSR it was 25 or 32 for a union republic, 11 for an autonomous republic, 5 for an autonomous oblasts, and 1 for autonomous okrugs. The Soviet of Nationalities, along with the Soviet of the Union elected based on population, had to approve all laws by a majority vote and Russia (excluding non-ethnic Russia autonomous regions within Russia) held less than 10% of the seats in the Soviet of Nationalities in order to prevent Russian chauvinism. All of the autonomous regions had to have their leader be from the local nationality even if ethnic Russians or other non-native ethnicities were a majority, and China has the same policy for its autonomous regions. In the USSR, all union republics were allowed to secede if they wanted to but ASSRs and smaller divisions couldn’t because they weren’t considered big enough to support themselves. For decolonized settler-colonies, I think all colonized nations should have full self-determination.

    New Zealand would be more simple since they only have one indigenous group but could apply a similar method. For Japan, the Ryukyuan islands could hold a referendum on whether to be independent and become an autonomous region if they decide to stay like how Xinjiang and Tibet are in China. Although the Ainu are a minority in Hokkaido, they should also have an autonomous region in all or part of the island and be guaranteed some representation.

    Autonomous regions of China:

    USSR regions (blue: non-Russian union republics, green: ASSRs, orange: autonomous oblasts, red: autonomous okrugs)

  • Can you add this one: “This does not mean, of course, that the proletariat must support every national movement, everywhere and always, in every individual concrete case. It means that support must be given to such national movements as tend to weaken, to overthrow imperialism, and not to strengthen and preserve it. Cases occur when the national movements in certain oppressed countries came into conflict with the interests of the development of the proletarian movement. In such cases support is, of course, entirely out of the question. The question of the rights of nations is not an isolated, self-sufficient question; it is a part of the general problem of the proletarian revolution, subordinate to the whole, and must be considered from the point of view of the whole. In the forties of the last century Marx supported the national movement of the Poles and Hungarians and was opposed to the national movement of the Czechs and the South Slavs. Why? Because the Czechs and the South Slavs were then ‘reactionary peoples,’ ‘Russian outposts’ in Europe, outposts of absolutism; whereas the Poles and the Hungarians were ‘revolutionary peoples,’ fighting against absolutism.” – Joseph Stalin, Foundations of Leninism

  • We should add this: “‘You are dictatorial.’ My dear sirs, you are right, that is just what we are. All the experience the Chinese people have accumulated through several decades teaches us to enforce the people’s democratic dictatorship, that is, to deprive the reactionaries of the right to speak and let the people alone have that right.” – Mao Zedong, On the People’s Democratic Dictatorship