Eve online? In game Trolling/scamming is allowed and a completely valid gameplay, profit generating activity. The game is open ended so personality conflict and consensual/non-consensual PVP are the main activity drivers in the game.
Creating a python script to watch your screen and report intelligence to a third party out of game/recon tool? Probably completely within EULA and useful.
Creating a script that interacts with the client in any way (mouse clicks, packet sniffing etc.) is against Eula and will get you banned (considered cheating)
It’s a really unique game, worth a try. Nothing like it, not for everyone though. If you try it, try to spend no more than a week on your own in it. Then seek out other player groups in the game. It’s truly difficult to get by on your own in that game - and actually quite boring without the social aspect.
Yeah dude, I seriously doubt you were ever a liberal. All your comments on other threads parrot Fox News talking points.
I’m glad Conservatives are fleeing Reddit but please leave your propaganda there when you do.
You’re either a trump simp/cultist, self-loathing conservative, or Russian troll.