“Artificial Idiocy” does have a certain ring to it.
“Artificial Idiocy” does have a certain ring to it.
I’m seriously impaired, so all humans will start dying in a matter of weeks.
On the plus side, everything in that book The World Without Us will come to pass, and the planet’s environment and ecology will be better off.
They probably have a Trump AI for this sort of thing.
Nooo, enshitification. I’ve only recently stared using it.
What do we use instead? Is Matrix the only option?
Oh interesting. Thanks heaps, I will definitely be adding that!
If your friends are the ones with the hate speech and genocide
Thanks this made me giggle uncontrollably for a moment there!
No I just mean using fb kind of makes my skin crawl on a moral level, because of its long-term willingness to aid in genocidal killings for years on end and its role in fomenting hate more generally.
Edit: Amnesty International report from a few years ago in case you’re wondering what I’m on about.
What scares me slightly is the older I get, the thicker I spread the marmite.
I wonder if your kids are trading or something?
I grew up in an era where most of us had two sandwiches and if ever I got anything too exotic for my tastes (like, luncheon sausage) I would try to exchange it for a marmite or a peanut butter.
What I want to know is why an article about horses in Northland is being illustrated by a picture of a horse in the Bay of Plenty.
Surely there are some Northland horses on file.
On topic: the horse owner person saying you would have to ban horses to avoid their poo should be careful what they wish for.
Because I lack the physical capability to do the job if elected.
I’m actually at a stage in life where I think I’d probably do more good than harm, but ironically the same thing giving me enough free time to contemplate running for something is the thing that prevents me from being able to.
I do have a strong desire to try to improve society somewhat.
Of the people I know personally who ran for local body, two are now on council, one was too eccentric to make it, and one had to back away because of the intensity of hate that can be directed at young families by some members of the public on an opposing side of the political spectrum.
I once thought hey maybe I could just join a campaign on good days lying down to raise awareness, but that last person’s fate put me off that as well.
I have one for reasons (contacts) but I don’t like it either… I wonder if FB Purity still works?
It’s not just the GUI or the algorithms though. It’s also all the hate speech and genocide.
I think I’m just going to have to agree to disagree.
AI getting a diagnosis wrong is one thing.
AI being bulit in such a way that it hands out destructive advice human scientists already know is wrong, like vaccines cause autism, homeopathy, etc, is a malevolent and irresponsible use of tech imo.
To me, it’s like watching a civilization downgrading it’s own scientific progress.
“Raw” earth minerals.
I take your point. The version I heard of that joke is “the person who graduated at the bottom of their class in med school”.
Still, at the moment we can try to avoid those doctors. I’m concerned about the popularizing and replication of bad advice beyond that.
The problem here is this tool is being marketed to GPs, not patients, so you wouldn’t necessarily know where the opinion is coming from.
Got it - that makes sense. Yes the last thing we need is a bid for Ameritarctica.
Totally. I always have an ad blocker but even that isn’t enough to save you from random content on many sites. Had to go on fb recently and was shocked by how bad it is now. Even youtube with blockers keeps pushing really weird recommendations. The fediverse is more like how the internet was before corporates took over.
This is the closest I’ve ever seen a politician get to “Let them eat cake” (which would be better translated as “why don’t they just eat brioche?” when told people had no bread).
If all our kids had marmite and sandwich bread, we wouldn’t be asking for school lunches.
Marmite sandwiches are perhaps a good idea but Luxon should be directing Seymour to make that happen.
I like this map.
I have a theory that if Antarctica were presented as a continent more often instead of some disjointed jagged bits at the edge, people would pay more attention to it and its issues.
I’d hope the bar for medical advice is higher than “better than the worst doctor”.
Will be interesting to see where liability lies with this one. In the example given, following the advice could permanently worsen patients.
Given that the advice is proven to be wrong and goes against official medical guidance for doctors, that could potentially be material for a class action lawsuit.
Idk, anything for novelty? If another kid gets chips or roll ups a lot they might want a marmite sandwich?
Yeah chips weren’t the norm at my primary either. Sandwiches, fruit, those mini packets of cinderella raisins. The technology of lunch has moved at a clipping pace by the sounds of some of the recipes in here.