Installation went smooth like butter, the experience isn’t any different than normal android and it also runs we’ll proprietary apps, but I wouldn’t run the on your owner profile
Installation went smooth like butter, the experience isn’t any different than normal android and it also runs we’ll proprietary apps, but I wouldn’t run the on your owner profile
PrivateGPT, takes some gigs of storage tho
It’s because you install another OS on it
You don’t go to jail (if there isn’t evidence of you selling it) in my country. Because it’s not a penal crime, but an administrative one.
use multiple sources then you’ll get close to the truth
I wish there was something like but for news, but the fact is that giournalism is biased in general, so I still would have to look for other sources
Phones certainly decrease our level of motivation by decreasing our dopamine baseline. Huberman Labs episodes addressing dopamine are really interesting
Yeah, it’s a fork of User Agenti Switcher
Takes out popcorn from the microwave
I had to sacrifice some features for privacy and security, that’s one of them, amen
Use this extension
Don’t tell me I won’t be able to view my books on my pc
Now the open source version is called vaultwarden
Now the open source version is called vaultwarden
Hope they’re encrypted/hashed at least
It seems like only the frontend is open-source, correct me if you find the back end code and if it is under AGPL license
Very based
It also depens on what informations the host has about you. Bare minimum is the IP, but it isn’t really an identification
I’ve set my DNS as mullvad dns and I use Ublock Origin on Mull, it should do the trick. Thanks for the tip