I’d go for syncthing over nextcloud for your specific usecase. Nextcloud isn’t good for unreliable connections and they’re sticking with the annoying decision of not supporting server to server synchronization.
I’d go for syncthing over nextcloud for your specific usecase. Nextcloud isn’t good for unreliable connections and they’re sticking with the annoying decision of not supporting server to server synchronization.
If there’s something you want to search by in a database, you should index it.
Indexing will create an ordered data structure that will allow much faster queries. If you were looking for the username gazter in an unindexed column, it would have to check literally every username entry. In a table of 1000000 entries it would check 1000000 times.
In an indexed column it might do something like ask to be pointed to every name beginning with “g”, then of those ask to be pointed to every name with the second letter “a” and so on. It would find out where in the database gazter is by checking only six times.
Substring matching is much more computationally difficult as it has to pull out each potentially matching value and run it through a function that checks if gazter exists somewhere in that value. Basically if you find yourself doing it you need to come up with a better plan.
Cartesian explosion would be when your query ends up doing a shit load of redundant work. Like if the query to load this thread were to look up all the posters here, get all their posts, get the threads from those posts and filter on the thread id.
I’m looking forward to hearing all the people that say raising taxes would lead to all the talented people leaving the country addressing this.*
Realistically I understand that they’re all talentless lying bastard failsons that just wanted to make more passive income from their family’s wealth and no journalist will ever challenge them on it.
I’m just going to assume every billionaire pulling this shit for trump has an unfathomably disgusting record in the Epstein files. There’s no way that every single one of them is deciding to be this overtly fucking pathetic.
The spark plug example is popular because presumably you find both old sparkplugs and spare car windows at junk yards. What it really is that the ceramic that they’re made out of hard and sharp enough when broken to damage the surface of the glass which causes the chain reaction.
Tempered glass, the type which is used for stuff like shower screens or car windows is under constant tension against itself. The inside of the glass wants to be bigger than the outside. Normally this makes it harder to break as the bonds on the outside are so strong and uniform they prevent it from bending or shearing as easily as normal glass.
The problem is that if you manage to break those bonds, the outside can very rapidly tear itself apart as it finds a way to relieve that tension. It basically pops like a balloon. The reason it breaks into small pieces is because anything bigger is still under tension and once the surface is damaged the crack will spread to ease it.
So your glass could have had a defect or damage which broke a few of those bonds, and heat cycles eventually pushed it to break the next bond along and start a chain reaction which destroyed the whole thing.
Edit: it could even be that some grit fell in the housing or something. The reason spark plugs break car windows is because the edges are sharp enough to cut the glass with very little force.
Lol why are people such dicks? My vets sent pics when my dog was recovering from an operation. It’s a pretty normal thing.
Anyway, if it was me I’d just set up a stream of the webcam on peertube via OBS.
I think that’s the event this song is about. It definitely reflects the mood.
It seems like the atmosphere is changing now but I’ve been saying this for years.
The language of privilege is backwards and counter productive.
Half of our military bases are occupied by the Americans and we need your permission to do anything.
Why is your profile picture a lemming? Nowhere in the rust spec does it say that a lemming should be the default picture. This is just propaganda.
A humane AI in an HP printer?
I imagine it’s just going to send a prompt to chatGPT like “Scan this document, if it seems important, lie about having no ink left. Find a particularly overpriced HP ink stockist near the user and give them a link to it. If they ask how you knew where to get the ink, lie about not tracking them.”
£37k so £2055 per person? I wonder how many weeks that set him back?
There’ll be no changes to abuses like this until the punishment for the crime far outweighs the profit. Same with wage theft.
I don’t know how far owncloud and nextcloud have diverged, but in the nextcloud client you can add filters to ignore files by clicking the three dots on the folder in settings.
You can also free up local space by using virtual folders, but it only works properly on windows.
And Malcolm x was killed within months of denouncing the racism of the NoI.
And Fred Hampton was killed the same year as founding the rainbow coalition.
Afaik Godot is designed specifically to be portable , so unless you’re wanting to use cutting edge features of unreal or something, you can use that and let everyone else focus on their own tooling.
Isn’t your executive currently saying they dictate the law though?
Also openSCAD if you struggle to get your head around normal CAD programs. Everything is written as a script and it’s surprisingly intuitive.
On the hottest day of the year a few years ago, the Mormons were out door knocking in their little suits. They were clearly not having a good time so we invited them in for a cold drink just to offer them some respite from the afternoon sun.
They got me to read a passage about Joseph Smith going into a cave and feeling euphoric and were like “well how do does that make you feel” and I’m like “what? I know people who’ve had more convincing experiences than that who still aren’t religious because they knew they were on drugs”
They came back again a few times until it was clear we’re absolutely not becoming Mormons.
I sometimes wonder if it occurs to them that we were probably better christians than most actual Christians they’ve met, even without the blackmail.
When it comes to searching the database, the index will have already been created. When you create an index, it might take a while as the database engine reads all the data and creates a structure to shadow it. Each engine is probably different and I don’t know if any work exactly like that, but it’s an intuitive way to understand the basics of how B-trees work. You don’t really need to think much about how it works, just that if you want to use a column as a filter, you want to index it.
However, when you’re thinking about the structure of a database it’s a good idea to think what you’ll want to do with it before hand and how you’ll structure queries. Sometimes searching columns without an index is unavoidable and then you’ve got to come up with other tricks to speed up your search. Like your doctor might find you (i’m presuming gaz is sort for gary and/or gareth here) with a query like
SELECT * FROM patients WHERE birthdate = "01-01-1980" AND firstname LIKE "gar%"
The db engine will first filter by birthdate which will massively reduce the amount of times it has to do the more intensive LIKE operation.