Not sure what we should expect when the advice is coming from a “businessman” who’s art of the deal has been to bankrupt 6 or 7 businesses…
Not sure what we should expect when the advice is coming from a “businessman” who’s art of the deal has been to bankrupt 6 or 7 businesses…
Why do white supremecists always look like smeared dog shit?
This guy thinks his genes are superior… and he’s the kind of person you let take the elevator by himself. “Nah, I’ll take the next one”
This will be a Kangaroo Court of a “study”
‘I got a powerful need to eat’
Best Technical Mids <> Elon Musk
Pick one.
This whole article is “leapard at my face!” material
You are assuming it wasn’t puposeful. And clearly it’s been going on a while. They only got caught due to their incompetence
Lock. Them. Up…
Edit: adding this timely link. Remember how the administration is laying off Russian cyber threats? https://cloud.google.com/blog/topics/threat-intelligence/russia-targeting-signal-messenger
So say we all!
Shilling for big crimp, eh?
But that sure does look good
what a small man
Genuine question - what’s the punishment? Solitary? Reduced rations? Some other heinous form of turture?
Thankfully, POTUS can’t pardon a state crime, only federal.
I feel like this is going to catch on.
“Evil old woman, considered frightful or ugly”. It’s twelve down.
Java on Mint here. Works great with mods too. Been solid for years unless we get a broken mod or buggy forge update, etc. But those are easy to rollback.
Clickbait title
Chuckles… I’m in trouble
FLOURIDE! It’s what toilets crave!