Wow, thank you for your time and extensive answer. This a huge motivation boost and will definitely help me getting into it.
Wow, thank you for your time and extensive answer. This a huge motivation boost and will definitely help me getting into it.
I installed LazyVim a few days ago and like it so far for smaller changes.
Anyways i can’t use it for serious work due to missing features or i havent found them yet. I couldnt find out where to find plugins, how to install and configure them, its overwhelming.
I need full, in file, text search for the current directory, multi word editing, move lines up and down. Sure there are key combinations, but they all seems a bit long compared to VS Code.
Is there a slack for noobs like me or a Udemy course?
Thank you for your extensive answers, now i have more questions than before :-D Due to time and energy i tend to an out of the box, non OSS solution. I’ll keep you updated on my decision and how it went
This is a great community.
This is definitively a solid and straight forward plan, i like.
Good Point, right now i prefer a plastik box for convenience. Unify and Fritzbox are already my shortlist.
Thank you
Today i installed Debian with the intention to initially set up my linux gaming system. The installation was ok, but everything after that seems like a lot of effort e. g. installing Nvidia drivers, apt doesnt know steam or discord…
Do i really have to Invest that much research or so i miss Something? Is there a better distro for me?
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Falls ein selbst gehostete Lösung für dich in Betracht kommt, dann empfehle ich dir paperless-ngx. https://docs.paperless-ngx.com/
Paperless kann Texterkennung, Tagging, Korrespondenten, etc.
Out of the Box funktioniert das nur in deinem lokalen Netzwerk. Du brauchst keine zusätzliche App, da Paperless im Browser funktioniert, auf deinem Handy und deinem Rechner. Um die Dokumente zu scannen bräuchtest du eine extra App wie Simple Scanner oder Genius Scan.
Um außerhalb deines lokalen Netzwerks darauf zuzugreifen muss ein bisschen Arbeit investiert werden.
Quick Update: Your Guide was a great start and i’m using wezterm, tmux and Neovim (kickstart-modular with my adjustments) in production. My biggest pain point currently is ‘d’ overrides my last yank. My favorite command is ‘cinq’