• 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • No? This will search the logfiles (if irssi is configured to create those at all) for a pattern. This still requires that you had to have an irssi client running and connected to the server/channel in question, during the time the user is afk. Which is why others recommend e.g. setting up ZNC.

  • I used tmsu (“tag my shit up”) for a while, but it required too much discipline and then I dropped it.

    In addition, tools like fzf for fuzzy file-search (comes with shell integration to e.g. replace the default history search in bash) and ripgrep-all made this kind of organization unnecessary for me. It now suffices to have a vague idea where a thing is located and I can do a brute-force search in a few seconds.

    The next-level filesystem argument is brought forward every few months, but I’m not buying it.

  • Just so that you have an additional data point, here’s how I do it.

    I run a backup first, using borg-backup. I used rsync in the past, then rsnapshot and now borg since it allows for compressed incremental backups, diffing on the “chunk” level, meaning I won’t backup the entirety of a modified file again and safe a lot of space.

    I used yay before, but like you I didn’t want to go into it blindly and do some modicum of sanity-checking the PKGBUILD for changes beforehand. Since it wasn’t obvious on what would be the best way of using yay for doing this, I asked around on the ArchLinux Forum, and ultimately decided to try one of the simpler tools suggested in the Arch Wiki, aurutils.

    After setting it up (the author helped me migrate), I now use it as follows:

    • aur repo --upgrades: Searches for new versions of aur packages and displays them
    • aur sync --upgrades --no-build: Performs a git-pull under ~/.cache/aurutils/sync and opens vifm so that I can look at a diff of the PKGBUILD and all the other changes in the affected directory.
    • aur sync --upgrades --no-view: Builds the package. It is now available as part of the custom (local) repository used only for aur packages, but hasn’t been upgraded yet. That is, a package.tar.gz or whatever has been created and put into ~/.cache/aurutils/sync/, where the PKGBUILD resides as well
    • sudo pacman -Syu: Upgrades all packages from all repositories, including the ones from the custom repository

    I won’t argue pro or against one aur helper or the other, but I feel like I have a little more insight about what happens under the hood since I made the switch. That being said, in the very beginning, I managed aur packages manually. This works also, but at some point became too tedious for my taste. I am happy with the semi-automatic approach I am using now.

  • Ich schnappe immer wieder mal was auf von https://news.ycombinator.com/ oder https://lobste.rs. Eine weitere interessante Quelle von kleinen, unbekannten Blogs könnte https://blogs.hn sein, insb. mit Shuffle.

    Ich hab mir über die Jahre eine kleine Auswahl angesammelt mit meinem RSS-Reader. Über die Jahre sammelt sich da echt was an und man kann die Feeds auch durchsuchen, falls man sich nur noch dunkel an einen Titel erinnert den man vor Jahren gelesen hat z.B.

    Um noch einen konkreten Blog hierzulassen: https://brr.fyi/ ist von einem Mitarbeiter von McMurdo Station, Antarktis. Ist ausnahmsweise mal nicht technischer Natur sondern hat auch etwas Slice of Life - Charakter.

  • Although the relevant links have already been provided, the gist is

    • Acme stands for some “generic” editor here, where you have to use the mouse a lot, which is perceived as slow
    • Emacs is known to be very powerful (to the extend of being called an “OS with a bad editor”), but using unergonomic keyboard shortcuts
    • Vim is an editor that has been designed for keyboard power users in mind, but which has the reputation of being difficult to learn

  • mbw@feddit.detoMemes@lemmy.mlI miss forums
    1 year ago

    It was 2006 or 2007 when I sent a girl from my class a funny pdf.exe on ICQ, which simply restarted her computer when she started it. I didn’t know that she would lose a whole day’s work that way, but eh what are you gonna do if programs don’t have autosafe.

    Also, anyone remember “dialers”? Fun times.

  • Ich glaube diese Erfahrungen sind halt schon sehr subjektiv. Dass Linux-Nutzer elitistisch sind habe ich schon ein paar mal gehört und das, was du über Windows-Nutzer aufgeführt hast natürlich auch. Sind meines Erachtens wie immer einige wenige, die eine große Klappe haben und dadurch aber ein schlechtes Licht werfen auf eine “Community” die natürlich überhaupt nicht homogen ist und die es in diesem Sinne eigentlich auch gar nicht gibt.

    Das mit StackOverflow habe ich genau andersrum empfunden. Vor vielen Jahren wollte ich da mal Fuß fassen und versuchen mitzumachen. Meine subjektive Erfahrung war aber, dass Antworten für die man sich viel Mühe gibt, wegen irgendwelcher technischer Spitzfindigkeiten abgestraft werden und dass es einen großen Einfluss hat ob man einen kleinen, neuen Account hat, oder bereits 3000 Gold-Medallien oder was auch immer. Ich suche daher dort ab und zu nur noch und vermeide es, selbst etwas beizutragen.

    In beiden Fällen lässt man sicher aber eine Plattform oder ganze Technologie von einigen Leuten auf dem Egotrip madig machen, was irgendwo sehr schade ist.