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Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: January 22nd, 2025

  • Try another server. I use r.nf and it’s very fast. Decentralisation is pointless if everyone flocks to the same server.

    If people want freedom and independence, they’re going to have to a little work for it, because those things never come for free. And yes, that is a feature, not a bug. That “I should not ever have to engage my grey matter” mentality is the whole cause of the corporate fascist mess in the first place.

  • McDutchie@r.nfOPtoAutism@lemmy.worldAnnouncement
    1 month ago

    Thanks to @sp3tr4l@lemmy.zip for a considered response. I disagree, but I appreciate a good discussion.

    Yes, he has a lot of money. How do you think he amassed that money? It’s not as if he inherited it. Trump did, but Musk didn’t.

    I think there is no way that Musk could both be dumb and amass more billions than anyone else in the world. He sure likes to play dumb, though. And people fall for it in droves, because he is that good at social manipulation.

    Technical competence and social ability are different and unrelated things. Of course Musk is terrible at actually doing anything useful, like programming, or managing a company. That is clear. I also remember how he drove Twitter into the ground as he was firing all the competent people for refusing to lick his boots. It’s the typical behaviour of a malignant narcissist.

    But I maintain that he is a genius at social manipulation. There is no other way to cause this much damage while gaining this unimaginable extreme of personal profit. I also maintain that being a genius at social manipulation is incompatible with being autistic.

    Yes, people can be both autistic and malignant narcissists. But autistic narcissists are not successful narcissists. They want to manipulate everyone and keep trying, but they also keep failing at it, while of course blaming everyone else for their failures.

    Not so for Musk. He has perfectly, spectacularly succeeded at achieving what he set out to achieve: personal enrichment, at everyone and everything else’s expense.

    You have listed a number of personal traits of Musk’s. I can’t help but notice that, except for one, there is not a single autistic trait among them. That one exception is being “very, very bad with people”. But he is no such thing.

    Musk is socially evil, not socially incompetent. Those may look similar on the surface, but they are fundamentally different. There is no way to achieve extreme personal gain without being extremely socially competent.

  • McDutchie@r.nfOPtoAutism@lemmy.worldAnnouncement
    1 month ago

    @Majorllama@lemmy.world, I don’t know what you think you’re responding to. Your response has very little to do with what I wrote.

    Hanlon’s Razor says to “never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.” If there is one thing that is absolutely crystal-clear, it’s that Musk’s evil behaviour cannot adequately be explained by stupidity.

  • McDutchie@r.nfOPtoAutism@lemmy.worldAnnouncement
    1 month ago

    He did it twice, too.

    This was obviously deliberate and calculated.

    There is no way Musk is autistic. He is a master social manipulator. His extreme ability to manipulate people for personal gain requires exactly the kind of social hyperawareness, in a neurotypical-dominated environment, that is incompatible with being autistic.

    There’s certainly something going on with him, but autism ain’t it.