I was looking for something new to watch, but could not stomach Suits LA.
I was looking for something new to watch, but could not stomach Suits LA.
fair enough :-)
Since you aren’t vegetarian, may I recommend trying a ‘Reuben’ pizza (or stromboli)?
Instead of pizza sauce, use Russian dressing. Top with sauerkraut and chopped up corned beef and finish with shredded swiss cheese (use a good swiss and shred yourself for best results). You might optionally add onion before baking or dill pickles afterwards.
hmmm… my dough is still rising, but it has a bread-flour base that might make for tough rolls… though perhaps I can amend the dough to be fluffier before the final rise.
Yes! I LOVE veggie crumbles. I use them in spaghetti sauce, chili, tacos, enchiladas, and most everything else that calls for ground hamburger – especially when in a sauce.
My bigger issue is how to construct a ‘thing’ that works with dough. Maybe something like a ‘cheese steak’ stromboli would work.
Well, don’t leave us hanging! Which bags lasted 10 years? Where do we get them? I’m having a hard time because the only really good bags I have require a minimum purchase of 50 (these: https://enviro-tote.com/product/medium-grocery-tote-bag/).
It sounds like the donor had requirements. From The Tribune:
The University of Chicago has received a $100 million gift from an anonymous donor to support free expression, marking what may be the largest-ever single donation to support such values in higher education, the university announced Thursday.
Discussions surrounding the donation have been ongoing for over a year, according to a university spokesperson.
The gift was ridiculed by advocates involved in the encampment that highlighted abuses against Palestinians in the Israel-Hamas War and torn down by the university in the spring.
“It’s truly a slap in the face,” said Yousseff Hasweh, a U of C grad who’s diploma was withheld by the university for two months, allegedly for his involvement in the protest.
Facts?! That just makes them devolve to No true Scotsman rhetoric. ;-)
Vance and the rest – including Trump himself – are suggesting that the attacks are because Democrats are demonizing Trump and Democrats need to tone down the vitriol, ignoring that Trump has said Democrats are destroying America and that we won’t have a country left if they get in office and all the rest. At least Vance is – after saying on TV with Dana Bash that they have confirmed reports from Springfield (in an interview about the pet eating thing) – that he, too, ought to tone down his rhetoric, but let’s see if he can stick with that for more than a day.
Here’s a story from July about the left/right spread in toxic language: https://theconversation.com/trump-shooting-is-a-warning-about-how-toxic-language-leads-to-violence-234637
Note the disparity on their graphic:
That is so pretty!
Ehn. The latest guy called Putin a terrorist on camera, which is something a Trumper would never say.
I’m fine with removing the Audubon name from any group – not because of John Audubon himself, but because the current Audubon Society seems to be an unscrupulous, anti-union, money-grubbing, greenwashing mess.
Yes. The story here is straight from Associated Press, but I looked around and found a few more details in a Telegraph article:
But he woman’s doctor told police that the defendant had tested positive with a rapid test before telling him that she “certainly won’t let herself be locked up” after the result.
Instead she left her apartment and talked to people without a mask, ignoring her mandatory quarantine and positive test.
Note they say MANDATORY quarantine. At the end of the article they explain that Austria’s far right party, Freedom Party, is hyper-anti-vax, expected to win upcoming elections:
Its manifesto has promised a pardon for anyone convicted of breaching coronavirus rules and to repay any fines imposed during the pandemic.
The manifesto says coronavirus regulations were encroachments on fundamental rights “accompanied by unprecedented indoctrination and brainwashing.”
Not all Americans eat beef equally, data shows. Last year, Rose and his colleagues published a study looking at U.S. government data of the diets of more than 10,000 Americans. They found that on a given day, 12% of Americans account for half of all beef consumption. That 12% was disproportionately men.
I’m confused by this because I want it to mean the same 12% all the time, but I suspect they mean that it is a different 12% from one day to the next.
“Many men do reduce their meat consumption or are willing to,” says Joel Ginn, food and psychology researcher at Boston College, “but there are hurdles that they’ve had to overcome.”
Manly men advertising meat – and Joe Rogan??? I guess all kinds of guys what to be oh so manly, but when I think of macho men, he’s just not on that list.
Seeing someone in your close personal circle, or celebrities like athletes, make a behavior change can be an important piece of the puzzle, says Daniel Rosenfeld, psychology and food researcher at UCLA. “The way to get some people to eat less meat is to get other people to eat less meat,” he says.
Personally, both myself and my better half enjoy the newer fake meat burgers. They really are a satisfying way to get a ‘manly’ burger.
On a personal note, I regret missing the first night, which had several greats, starting with The Battle of Algiers, which moved me. I would have liked to hear the guest discussion on it.
At just over 1/2 hour, Night and Fog is a must-watch (but also triggering).
Of the other upcoming movies I’ve happened to see in the past, I highly recommend: The Fog of War, The Tin Drum, The Murder of Fred Hampton, and if you don’t mind subtitles, High and Low, and The Passion of Joan of Arc.
Refresher on McCabe from The Guardian:
McCabe was part of FBI leadership, briefly as acting director, during investigations of Russian interference in the 2016 election and links between Trump and Moscow. Trump fired McCabe in March 2018, two days before he was due to retire. McCabe was then the subject of a criminal investigation, for allegedly lying about a media leak. The investigation was dropped in 2020. In October 2021, McCabe settled a lawsuit against the justice department.
I mention this because y’all know that Trumpers will immediately brush off McCabe’s comments as a known-bad-guy who was fired for being so awful and is now trying to get revenge.
Any idea what bird that is?
It looks like it was polished by thousands of footsteps and rainstorms.
Ah, you mean Matthew Graham stuff rather than David Bowie.