She said it smelled like baby powder to her, which she liked.
She said it smelled like baby powder to her, which she liked.
Jan. 27, 2025
What a remarkable shave.
I’ve been wanting to try this scent for awhile, and when I heard that Stirling was discontinuing it I knew I had to pick up a puck.
So happy I did. What an incredible scent. It’s subtle but wonderful. And, of course, the mutton tallow base is one of the best in the business.
What’s truly remarkable about this scent is my wife liked it. I’m not joking, she hates scents. It’s to the point where I rarely use anything except scented soap anymore, and even then sometimes she can pick up the scent on me (and hate it) hours later. But this one she loved. Hopefully it comes back someday!
Jan. 22, 2025
I am very, very tired. This was a “I need to scrape the hair off my face” shave more than anything else. It was mediocre, which was expected based on the effort I put into it.
This isn’t too dissimilar in spirit to the very first Lather Games. We have truly come full circle.
Jan. 11, 2025
Today shave was pretty mid. No one’s fault but my own. I was dragging ass this morning and had to get out the door and so my lather was a little off and I got some irritation.
One thing I should try to get better at is quick shaves. Luxurious ones are easy enough. Makes me wonder about tips to shave fast and get out the door.
Jan. 6, 2025
As many of you know my wife and I are expecting our first child. We are in the “home renovations” phase of pregnancy where we decide to redo the entire house in the final weeks before birth.
Anywho, I shaved because I hadn’t for awhile because all I do is home renovations. It was great because 3 Scots is great. Again, so happy I picked this up during the drop.
Dec. 30, 2024
Rarely do shaves go this well. Vespers felt like the perfect scent for the downslope of the holiday season, and the MM24 made it an absolutely smooth shave with no irritation. Happy New Year all!
I still haven’t tried ‘TTNB. Seems nice. I considered picking it up but feel so overloaded with soap right now.
Dec. 24, 2024
On Christmas Eve, there are two acceptable soaps: Christmas Eve and ‘Twas The Night Before. I have Christmas Eve, so that’s what I’m going with.
This is one of my all time favorite scents. I wrote my first review about this scent. It’s incredible and I love it every time.
Merry everything!
Trying to remember to crosspost more often. If I don’t use the $Discord tag it is easier to remember!
Dec. 21, 2024
Life has been really busy lately getting ready for the holidays and the baby so not much time to log shaves. But this was a particularly good one, everything came together well. Been working on my angle lately with the GEMs and have been really dialing it all in.
Feb. 12, 2024
It’s the Mammoth Monday closest to the Lunar New Year, so this seemed like an excellent themed shave today. This is one of my top tier scents, one that I think everyone should give a whirl.
deleted by creator
Feb. 1, 2024
This is my standard traveling setup right now. Been working quite good. I like the pleasant scent of the Maribor.
Jan. 8, 2024
I decided to buy Bonaparte on a lark, because /u/StirlingSoap mentioned on Facebook that it is strong and divisive.
Strong, sure. And perhaps divisive, but frankly I think the scent is really nice.
Uitwaaien is an absolute pleasure. I will probably do a posted review of this sometime soon.
It was that or Noir, and I felt I needed to stay on brand.
Christmas Eve calls for Christmas Eve. I’ve mentioned before how this scent reminds me of Christmas Eves at my grandparents’ house as a kid. The scent just really does it for me, everything about it is wonderful. Great last shave before Christmas.
Interesting. Can you tell me more? I admit my water feels a bit…slick, for lack of a better word.
First shave since the new water softener was installed yesterday. The plumber said that it could take a few days for all the hard water to get out of the hot water tank, but already there is a night and day difference. The lather was so much easier to form and felt softer and slicker. I’m excited to see the difference as the hard water works its way out of the system, and suggest everyone try a soft water shave.
I’m calling you out for a rules infraction.
They said a dog couldn’t play basketball; they said a dog couldn’t shave. You said you were out.
But you’re all wrong.
You have the AirBud point but you’re choosing to not use it. But that’s the ultimate AirBud thing to do. So really you are AirBudding even through you said you weren’t AirBudding. Which, is, obviously, AirBudding.
Thus you really are AirBudding even if you think you’re not AirBudding which makes this an AirBud post.
Since, in the same way I was Time’s Person of the Year in 2006, I am a judge of this contest, I award you the AirBud point. Congratulations, you’re not the first one out.
Crossposting to Discord because rules.