Be me with a Singaporean accent. I hate it and I’m thinking of getting a vocal coach to learn proper diction.
Be me with a Singaporean accent. I hate it and I’m thinking of getting a vocal coach to learn proper diction.
Rectangle Pro for me, 100%. I bought the paid version too as I loved it.
I like my windows organized and macOS has this penchant for chaos. Windoze at least has FancyZones in PowerToys which is chef’s kiss perfectly done, and I can’t live without it.
Big Weather man, they’re part of the deep state that’s silencing conservative voices by stopping them from going outside.
Ngl that pink looks great. Coming from me, a guy.
As per Hollywood, rip out the SIM card, break into two, hurl your phone to the ground and curb stomp it thrice. That should be enough sanitization.
Don’t threaten me with a good time!
As if all that is not depressing on its own, there just a little less than half of the world that believe it’s a hoax. While they’re being cooked alive. And continue to vote for politicians that perpetuate the idea it’s a hoax.
Way ahead of ya burp
“Listen, you gotta ease up on all that porn man …”
I’m very surprised at you getting mass downvoted.
Their current plight goes all the way back to the 70s, where they literally got everything they wanted.
The Shah deposed, check. Carter humiliated and out of office, check. Religious oligarchy / theocracy / Islamic fundamentalism and Khomeini in power, check. Reagan elected, check. The US embarrassed and shamed, check.
Nothing good it seems come out of getting involved in the affairs of the Middle East.
Thank you for sharing this. I felt this abit as I walked out on a job that paid handsomely but I had to deal with unrealistic expectations and a passive aggressive boss. I put in my two months’ notice and all my colleagues remarked that I looked like the happiest guy on earth.
I’m privileged to be able to call it a day and take a break, and I’m enjoying applying to various outlets with no particular rush to land something. I spend my days doing things I enjoy, going to the gym, spending time tinkering with my PCs, enjoying games as a patient gamer, etc.
Someday I also wish to follow in OP’s footsteps and retire to a rural community where I can see out my days in peace, without dealing with all the doom and gloom in the world right now. I’ve long mentally checked out of Earth and looking forward to sweet sweet forever-sleep.
I’m almost afraid to admit, but I dig it.
Someone call an ambulance! gym jordan needs immediate attention for that sick burn.
You leave my E89 Z4 alone!
That everyday we move closer to finding a cure for male pattern baldness.
I thought him eating all the food would be the main impediment.
On StackOverflow: “never mind, figured it out.”
The priest to his mates before the baptism: “Remember, no Russian.”
Well it came out of a hole alright.
Please and thank you.