Dragon Dong
Dragon Dong
Can anyone recommend a decent space sim? I’ve talked myself in and out of buying No Man’s Sky a dozen times, and all this shade will probably remove it from my wishlist.
Leave Adam Copeland out of this.
All you have to do is get someone shot.
It’s a glorified crawler that is incredibly inefficient. I don’t use it because I’ve been programmed to be picky about my sources and LLMs haven’t.
The Wild Bunch are at it again.
You’ve gotta strip it first. When my buddy came back from the military he taught me to roll it around in the fingers until the remaining tobacco falls out, then the trash goes into the pocket until a bin is found.
Although, there’s not a class on that at all. I did my fair share of littering as a smoker. I still feel shit about it, which is why I bring my picker upper stick and an empty bucket with me on walks. It comes back full every time. Water bottles everywhere.
I’ve hated him the moment he changed Troi’s uniform, which was the same episode actually.
That’s why birth control is restricted.
Coffee is technically bean soup, bean broth actually.
I completely agree. I highly recommend watching Band of Brothers and skipping the Pacific. Good choice on Haunting of Hill House. I love that episode with the long uncut camera shot (Two Storms). I’ll check out the other two.
I agree retirement is probably a pipe dream, but I wonder how many of these articles are propaganda populated to get us to YOLO the savings into spending, thus boosting the economy.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you were so sensitive” is my response to these types IRL.
The builder, Alan. “It’s electric, that van”.
“I’m saying that Stonewall Jackson was trash himself. Him and Lee and the rest of them rebs” - Shane (1953)
“E-biking is not a crime” put that on a sticker and sell millions of them. This one is on me.
There it is. Remember kids, when a tax cut is mentioned it’s likely not for you and you’re paying for it.