high functioning autistic
I don’t want to seam pedantic. Levels in autism is profoundly discriminatory.
high functioning autistic
I don’t want to seam pedantic. Levels in autism is profoundly discriminatory.
My grandfather has a collection of construction engines models perfectly aligned on shelves in the veranda.
Orthovox is missing as well. They are German.
I can only recommend La Sportiva hiking, trekking and mountains shoes. Great quality.
You know stories about Hofmann taking some bike trip while being high.
It’s really a 4D chess period.
I think it’s time to say goodbye to the PCC in Brussels. They did a great job since the 70s. But, they are not great for the actual use. For example, they are not step free.
Who want to go in hell?
The building in the background is the Uniklinik. The picture was taken before the stop named Uniklinik BKH.
I’m not doing diagnosis. But, a psychologist that use “mildly autistic” should not be taken seriously on the topic. There is no level. The DSM 5 TR has level of support. It’s very different and these levels can vary from one moment to an other (even in the same day).
More about this in this journal article by Steven Kapp which is an autistic researcher.
You show “little empathy” in comparaison with what? The neuronormativity? This is already an issue. We don’t have to compare to neurotypical. We have to validate how autistics shows empathy, emotions, etc. Often, it’s by resolving problems. E.g.: This is making you sad so we resolve the problem and you will be better. Advocating for someone is another. Sounds similar to what you wrote about your wife. It’s often called “cognitive empathy”. This is entirely valid!
First, I didn’t write all of them.
Now on the subject of autism and empathy, empathy is widely misinterpreted and misunderstood in autistics. The lack of empathy stereotype is based on the deficit model of autism and therefore on the lack of theory of mind. This model has roots in eugenic and neocolonialism (also known as neurocolonialism) and is deeply ableist.
We have great research with good methodology and ethics (the opposite is true for the deficit model) about autistics not lacking theory of mind and being empathetic (often hyper empathetic). They just show empathy differently than the neurotypical. This is in fact true for many stereotypes about autism. Autism is a different cognitive style to process information, communicate (including emotions) and learn.
It’s where the Double Empathy Problem of Dr. Damian Milton comes in. It’s the difference and not the lack between two or more individuals/group of individuals that makes the understanding issue.
We are plenty of autistics on Lemmy.
In Zurich, it’s the colors of the City and the Canton.
Vinnytsia, Ukraine. Zurich gave them their old Mirage trams. Zurich has a special relationship with Vinnytsia as they are giving them multiple generation of trams. Actually, some Tram 2000 are sent to Ukraine.
You can see the numbers on wikipedia.
Both of them are now retired in Bern. You can still see them at the local tram museum.
The Vevey type in the post picture can still be seen in regular service in Lviv, Ukraine. Bern gave them the fleet, except the one at the museum.
I guess it closes the debate about Musk being autistic. Autistics are more likely to be hyper empathetic.
Someone should give them a sticker with Trump and this sentence. It’s the final touch.
Not really! Lots of tram networks use single cab trams with returning loops.
These loops are placed at each end of each line and at some important places around the network.
Bernmobil historically uses returning loops. But, they recently changed how they manage it. Due to one end of line 6 extending to the countryside and integrated to the network in the late 00’s, they had to order new trams with two cabs. At the same time, the oldest generation of single cab tram had reach the end of their life. Bernmobil took this opportunity to change how they handle direction change on the network.
Trams will still run a loop at the end of a line (except one on line 6). But, they began to incorporate switches when renewing the infrastructure to make direction change possible without loops with double cab trams. For this purpose, they replaced partially the older single cab tram with double cab tram.
It has some advantages. The cost is lower. It’s more flexible too. The downside is to run teams with lower sitting capacity on lines with loops. The other one is that these trams are more expensive.
Mondelez is the former snack-food branch of Kraft food. They renamed it and it went an independent company.
Kraft Group stayed for the grocery branch. Eventually, Kraft Group and Heinz merged into Heinz Kraft later.
If they was a change, it would be between Danone and Kraft. It’s not the same management culture.
This is how you can spot a non-autistic. For autistics, it’s not just about having stuffs organized. It has a purpose and has a sense.
I can see organized things from the NT point of view. But, it’s not organized for me at all. The details don’t match what would be organized for me. Just as an example.
With autism in general, it’s rarely about what it is visible to the NTs. It’s about the invisible. Ask the autistic why and validate it. The person will be happy to explain why.