Ankidroid is the best memory cards app for sure!
I forgot how fast ad free websites can be, it’s amazing.
Idk why, ever since I learned about this artist I feel like I’m an ad for them. They do just have great prints.
And I’m glad to be seeing it here on Lemmy!
Those pupils are sized very differently, what was in that bread? 😮
Done, thanks!
Sick artwork! Where is this from?
That cover photo is perfect
Zestig procent van de Nederlandse bibliotheken werkt al zonder boetes of gaat de trend volgen.
Hm interessant, ben benieuwd of dit effect heeft op het inleveren van boeken.
I think a major issue is that nobody checks sources. Earlier, when everybody watched the news or read papers, sources were more reputable (not infallible for sure). Now any random creator can sway your opinion without that reputability. Pretty inherent to the internet as algorithms decentralise everybody into their own corner.
deleted by creator
Never found it this good looking on my visits hahaha
Is that an actual demon core just casually lying around
Oh no it’s Unsung emergency room hero for helping doctors and staff by “taking away stress & sorrow”, I know it’s confusing, happens all the time.