Agreed, the level of concentration in grocery distribution is worse than the telecoms. At this point they need to be broken up and run as non-profits!
Sure, but do all Corporate sectors get dozens of billions in direct and indirect subsidies year after year?
The federal and provincial governments have largely been the ones stealing the land, with anglo and Franco settlers aiding in certain instances.
Absolutely nothing to do with Immigration!
Of course, we need government action! But do you know the micro plastic content coming from tap water? Do you have much of a choice as to what you are consuming? Wouldn’t you want to filter it out?
As far as technology, this isn’t pie in the sky, it seems fairly simple and I wouldn’t be surprised if home-made solar punk versions start appearing in zines and online forums.
Of course we need stop producing plastics, or at least the types that break down so easily.
But even then, the micro plastics will likely remain in the environment for some time, so efforts to filter them from water are important. Especially considering as some of the health effects are only starting to become apparent. See
Lol, the way Harper ran things, you just knew this International Democratic Union organization was fakeAF
Ah got it on the 2nd try!
I couldn’t activate pro in the beta
I tried to signup for Freedom but I could not retain my existing phone number since they didn’t offer services in my former area code. Hopefully this changes that, but yeah not holding my breath!
They did the original reporting AFAICT, I seem to recall the whole article being free, but I understand they’re now paywalling :-(
I would go to the nearest CLSC, and ask to speak with a social worker (it’s usually by appointment). The SW should be able to direct you to appropriate resources for navigating the system. For example there is a Medicare program for lower income folks. Good luck!