• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 21st, 2023


  • I think many people underestimate the level of impulsivity associated with crime.

    The average criminal who breaks and enters is not doing research based off your bumper stickers to determine your weekend routine so the house is empty.

    They usually are just walking down the neighbourhood and spot an open door, run in and grab valuables then leave.

  • Is the fact that you’re so defensive over my comment not an indication for you to do a little introspection?

    You can’t claim the moral high ground if you’re enabling the very thing you’re complaining about.

    I don’t comprehend why people find this controversial other than that they may be uncomfortable with their own choices and dislike when some random on the internet has pointed it out to them.

    If I worked for Microsoft I wouldn’t wear a shirt complaining about my work being used to kill kids because I would have the presence of mind to realise that I would be a hypocrite if I did that.