Thank you for actually doing some research and getting the facts.
Thank you for actually doing some research and getting the facts.
I still don’t comprehend how that’s legal.
I paid money for the thing and now it’s just gone because?
Yes I’m still salty I lost my original Minecraft account from the beta.
Hey, you. You’re finally awake.
A dot point list would have made this more readable. Just saying.
How people can walk out of a university with degrees and not understand how all areas of knowledge contribute towards each other and link together in ways that are not immediately obvious astounds me.
I think many people underestimate the level of impulsivity associated with crime.
The average criminal who breaks and enters is not doing research based off your bumper stickers to determine your weekend routine so the house is empty.
They usually are just walking down the neighbourhood and spot an open door, run in and grab valuables then leave.
Nothing makes me feel more powerful than getting downvoted and not caring while having a bunch of people who clearly care a lot about votes tell me I should care about downvotes.
Go ahead and downvote me, it literally doesn’t matter.
People on Lemmy (and the tech community) also skew heavily to tech industries so I’m not surprised they are shocked and disagree that saying you work for Microsoft is a bad thing.
Yes, yes, yes, no.
If your point is that I engage in immoral practices; of course I do.
That wasn’t my initial argument though.
As I have said in another comment, if I worked for Microsoft I wouldn’t wear a shirt complaining about my work killing people in a foreign country because I would realise that makes me a hypocrite.
In the same way I wouldn’t be vegan, work for an abattoir and complain to my CEO that killing animals is wrong.
Is the fact that you’re so defensive over my comment not an indication for you to do a little introspection?
You can’t claim the moral high ground if you’re enabling the very thing you’re complaining about.
I don’t comprehend why people find this controversial other than that they may be uncomfortable with their own choices and dislike when some random on the internet has pointed it out to them.
If I worked for Microsoft I wouldn’t wear a shirt complaining about my work being used to kill kids because I would have the presence of mind to realise that I would be a hypocrite if I did that.
I took the hit to my overall earnings by not working for a corporation that kills the planet/tramples on workers rights/engages in war crimes.
Have you?
Imagine thinking you have any moral high ground but work for a massive corporation.
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High interest saving account for saving up to buy things like this.
It’s slower but the best way to basically guarantee you will have the money available at a future point when you need to buy the car.
All olives are green (at some point) lol.
Come on people the internet is right there and you can check this kind of stuff.
The lunacy part is posting this to LinkedIn rather than discussing in private with a therapist.
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Or you know, we could plant trees…the original carbon capture device.
Good. Ban displays of crucifixes and necklaces with crosses as well.
Religious symbols have no place in tax payer funded institutions.