• 7 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2023


  • Copied the images as well as the comment containing information.

    ConsciousFish6170: Idk why my description didn’t post. I put a raspberry pi 2 w inside a mostly gutted ps4 controller that wasn’t working anymore. Wanted to make the controller still look functional so I left the joy sticks but removed what I could to fit the pi. I have retro pi on it running nes, snes, ps1, gba, and n64 but n64 doesn’t seem to run great. I have two usb c mini adapters for the power supply and a USB hub. I was able to upload roms on a micro SD and put that into the USB hub to put roms on. I have only ever seen USB sticks and tried the micro SD because it was all I had. This is my first attempt at using raspberry pi and any kind of emulators.

  • ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Summoning hype train

    Housing is something I’ve wanted forever! It gives me something that I can truly call my own. I wonder if it will allow the use of guild decorations and if there is any outdoor space for a small roller beetle track. I am also curious if any achievements could reward us with decorations that are unique to that event, such as pieces of a world boss, or heads from smaller enemies(that are not unique).

    Spears! It’s interesting, not sure yet how I really feel about them.

    I’ve never been into raids, I consider myself too casual, but I do enjoy open world events.

    Warclaw rework could be interesting, I wonder if we could see mounted combat.

    Releasing on Epic is also good, as it brings more players to the game.