If you were actually rigorous with this sort of attitude you wouldn’t be able to buy anything, not just your favorite video games. Just relax and enjoy yourself, you only get a tiny bit of time here.
If you were actually rigorous with this sort of attitude you wouldn’t be able to buy anything, not just your favorite video games. Just relax and enjoy yourself, you only get a tiny bit of time here.
This probably isn’t what you want to hear but you can make a really really great split setup using SteamInput. The only reason I haven’t used it for the final game is because I play a lot on desktop, not just Deck and I don’t have a steam controller. But on Deck with its trackpads I can access most of the UI and still have the trackpads for selecting items and combat. I guess the only big thing you can’t do is move the party with the left stick, but they didn’t bother me too much. I think I might prefer it to either purely kb/m or controller setups.
I’m not going to lie, this game is pretty tough at first when you don’t understand the systems. I played all of their previous game Dos2 and I used to play a bit of 5e and I still found it surprisingly difficult. There’s also a lot going on on screen with passive checks rolling all the time. It’s just a lot. That being said it is absolutely worth it to slog through and learn everything there is to know. This is absolutely a game worth knowing if it seems up your alley. I highly recommend checking out videos from Fextralife, WolfheartFPS and Mortismal on YouTube. They all have great coverage of the game and you will learn a ton.
I’ll leave you with one video I would recommend to beginners that covers the combat system in BG3. https://youtu.be/EjGMn3e3NVo
I would really love to see a light theme. The current theme is absolutely gorgeous, but I’m one of those weirdos that just likes light themes better. During the day the eye strain on the dark theme is a bit much.
This is such a huge improvement over the base Lemmy theme. I just need a light theme now!
I was gifted an Atlas 150 for Christmas and as a beginner I really like it. It seems to be well made. It’s a lot of fun to use.
I’m a lurker but I deeply appreciate everyone to ours content together for Denver on Lemmy. I hope this community continues to grow!
Maybe. I have those two and a PC and I think the Deck is essential. But I do really like being able to seamlessly pick up my games on my main machine sometimes too. If I didn’t own a PC or a PC game library it might be less enticing but even then I still think it’s worth it. You may struggle deciding where to buy games though and you will probably end up building a gaming pc if you enjoy the Deck.