No doubt in my mind that I will. I was absolutely getting the itch for some new music to get me through automating tasks people told me can’t be automated and not telling anyone so I can spend more of my work day studying. o7
Edit: Thanks again for all the fucking great mixes. If there’s ever any way I can kick some dollars your way like donations or a platform where you take payments lmk and I’ll see what I can do. I owe you at least one lunch with how much of my sanity you’ve saved helping me drown out the world.
This reminds me of the time in my early teens when my mother described herself as a recreational drug user and I said “If I woke up, went kayaking, had breakfast, did another little quick kayak before getting ready. Got ready for work and had a quick kayak, went to work and then kayaked on my lunch break, kayaked on the way home, spent most of my afternoon kayaking, so much so that I forgot to pick my kids up from school until really late, and then went kayaking all night and had to kayak one last time before bed to sleep well, literally fucking nobody on this entire planet would describe me as a recreational kayaker.” which she thought was hilarious, and to be honest kind of was.
She was good in other areas.