I play one and watch one at the same time. Never more than that simultaneously just so i can really focus
humble Life explorer
I play one and watch one at the same time. Never more than that simultaneously just so i can really focus
Honest question: Why not cook a bunch of meals once or twice a week and eat that instead? It can be cheaper and it’s way less likely to get you sick in the long run.
Voyager app. Free, no ads
Downvoted by Luthor I’m sure. Get outta here ya grinch
Plenty of gamers online during the holidays. They were great company to me for 3 years straight. I personally enjoyed that more than family dinners and lunches just waiting for the next argument. Find your thing and own it.
I was in your situ a few months ago. I put some distros on USB sticks, decided which one was more to my liking (Ubuntu) and then went for the full install a week into it. There were unexpected unpleasant surprises, namely i had to repartition my ssd drive (and reinstall Ubuntu), and i ran into some issues with read/write permissions for USB sticks. Try distros and install on your old laptop like you said. Test drive it to your satisfaction
Oppenheimer was the latest original movie I watched for the 1st time. I watched it at home… 'nuff said
Lumino City is a beautiful point and click type game that I’m really enjoying. Paid. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=air.com.noodlecake.luminocity
Messed around for a while and then nothing. Not sure if I’m being AI-averse but i really can’t find good use for it.
Great app, feature full. I bought that one ages ago
I absolutely hate sorting my trash. I loved the idea, and contributing to the recycling cycle. I hate that I’m expected to do the effort and fined for my mistakes, all while knowing that a) big corp gets a lot of slack for creating pollution, for not using better packaging, for directly polluting their manufacturing facilities’ surroundings etc… b) plastic is mostly not recycled.
I’ve been using that for years. They do good work around the world, and it’s much more sophisticated than “planting trees”. They’re great, go for it.
Perfect for when you accidentally click on one of their embedded posts. Hurray!
Using a mid budget Redmi Note 10 pro, nothing exceptional, it works pretty good with a nice screen. My favorite was the Nexus 5.
It sounds like Nintendo is not accepting payments from Columbian banks maybe. I’m in a similar situation so i buy gift cards from play-asia.com. if you have another good website for gift cards please share
It’s there any other clickbait physicist in the world?
Squeeze one side so it fits into the other :)
We always cut off the top of the tube at home simply to reduce waste. You can plug the body back on for the next time. I feel like these things are designed to waste 5% of the paste so we have to buy more frequently.
None. Although I’ve never asked