2 months ago@Shape4985 @biancotitanio For me just pressing retry a few times fixes it. But maybe that’s just a/b testing and it will stop working completely in a few days :/
Software developer, Musician, Linux enthusiast.
@Shape4985 @biancotitanio For me just pressing retry a few times fixes it. But maybe that’s just a/b testing and it will stop working completely in a few days :/
@drakenblackknight @fdroidorg @newpipe
Even the official repository seems to update a day or so late. Most of the time the in-app updater notifies me about a new version, then I go check fdroid and the update is not yet available there.
@Jimmycrackcrack @Lemmchen For me retry still works. I wonder for how long though, sounds like A/B testing…