find any locals who wanted to greet the Second Lady
Did they lead with that? As in, asking as if she was greenlanders “second lady” and not only americans (the term didn’t exist before this distraction, afaik)?
find any locals who wanted to greet the Second Lady
Did they lead with that? As in, asking as if she was greenlanders “second lady” and not only americans (the term didn’t exist before this distraction, afaik)?
“Whatever makes sense”
Nice image, but has the flaw that the Permafrost is melting around the globe at increasing rates.
Oh, they do care about harm threatened to the protected class.
When in doubt, avoid anything gnome.
Something worth knowing about that guy?
I mean, apart from the fact that he seems to be a complete idiot?
Midwits shouldn’t have been allowed on the Internet.
Yeah, I questioned the second and third temp bans they gave me. After the last (so, the third) they banned me. I suspect it’s because I was asking.
Their reasons of course were bullshit, for every single ban (which they confirmed were correctly issued… Morons).
Should also be tried for crimes against humanity (as in, axing the shit out of the Rainforest).
Temper of a toddler, conviction/arrogance of of a teenager.
The attention economy truly brings out the worst society has to offer.
Wenn man die Spanne so riesig macht, fallen da auch genug Leute drunter 😎
Driving in a car/metal box instead of sharing the space or walking/cycling and connecting to others is another one.
Othering of others is super easy in a car. There are studies about how much more violent and vitriolic people are when driving.
Ah, you are one of those.
Sorry, “tee” is not part of the basic Ubuntu package. Do you want to unlock premium coreutils for the cheap price of 19.99$ p.m.? Alternatively, upgrade your Ubuntu pro to pro-double-plus-good for 10$ p.m.
Gotta replace it with “low opaqueness”.
Becoming the CEO of Tesla has no age limit.
“The verbal abuse and the flipping off is daily. I would say three times a day, it’s just constant, somebody pulls up next to me and they’re flipping me off or cussing me out or throwing things at me. In the last week I’ve had two people hit my vehicle,” said Vining.
I love this for him.
And then they turned into squished ugly matchbox cars. Fitting for developmentally arrested CEO.
Who’s your plutonium guy?