Just nuts that my 386 was to big to take on my pushy as a kid and now the same thing would get lost in my nose hairs
Build a proxmox cluster and teach yourself about high availability services. Tear it down and do it again with xcp-ng. Repeat using more and more complex architectures
I was once the hero now I am the villain
I disagree with the small scale politics. On small levels people tend to be leaner with their spending as they actually see it. On higher levels they look at the number of thousands or millions being spent rather than individual dollars. Though this probably changes depending on industry and region.
I’m on the fence regarding the ADF being used in times of need. On one hand if the ADF are tied up sorting out a natural disaster then they can’t perform their core function of protecting Australia’s borders, on the other hand we aren’t at war so why shouldn’t they help. If they were scaled up or to add a federal ‘ses’ (fes?) then I’d be onboard
First non negative integer so easy for computer to display.
I only really use zero in networking names to correspond with an IPv4 address that ends with dot zero.
I think it’s just what you’re used to. Like counting bottom to top in teleco versus counting top to bottom in IT.
Mums/nanas place for lunch; cauliflower cheese, lasagne, garden salad, coleslaw. Thanks mum
Unplug both ends and use a multimeter to check resistance between the individual wires at one end. Should be OL (out of limits) on screen.
Try earthing one end as slazer2au said. The cable may be bringing in stray voltage thats messing with the device.
84m for pairs sounds right on a 76m cable when you adjust for the twists.
Some devices can push distance better than others. The cisco has eee and a short range option from memory. Make sure you turn all off on the port in question.
Try the link with a pair of laptops.
Cut off the connectors and determinate.
Same in my industry. Rarely do any women apply.
This. Unionise people. It’s a benefit for all
I haven’t watched nor read anything else about this so I don’t have a full understanding of the meeting. Having said that, I don’t what anyone would expect a world leader to do. He either fights off an invasion without help or sells his nation off. This is a lose lose situation. The USA is losing its image of a country that supports cooperation to an economic invader picking on someone while their down.
I’ve bought the same pair of shoes for 15 years; Merrell Jungle MOC. When they are on sale I buy a couple. It’s made life easier for shoe shopping and go with pretty much any clothes. I but the same socks when I do but my nieces and children buy me socks all the time so I have bought my own pair in ages.
He’s not entirely wrong but it’s not specific to the USA and it was more about individual European nations not getting screwed by larger nations. Using Trump logic, the union of states that makes up the United States of America is there just to screw over everyone else.
I see your point, I don’t like it but I see it. It’s kind of like the Boris Johnson style, seem like an incompetent oaf while actually undermining the country you purportedly love.
I was thinking some kind of beer calisthenics but then realised that the Brad bod wouldn’t support that
116m seems like enough for the 400 pins they actually sold
Wikipedia seems to back up these stat’s. Though as someone that has discussed this topic with Chinese nationals several times, their number seems artificially low.
Twisty potatoes in the rain
His time was finally here
I thought everyone hated the danes