2k3 walked so that 2k4 could run. I remember being so pissed when 2k4 was announced as a separate game from 2k3. I refused to buy it until they released the DVD Editor’s Choice edition, but from there I was hooked. So many awesome mods, like Red Orchestra, Killing Floor, Deathball, SAS Into the Lions Den, Frag.Ops, Air Buccaneers, Jailbreak, NeoTokyo, and Strike Force are the ones I remember the most. That game was the biggest one during our LAN party days because everyone had it, including our Linux brethren. It’s hard to believe it’s been over 20 years since we took that first step with 2k3.
I just spent the morning doing this with my help desk team, although we just do it via command prompt at the recovery screen. We’ve had a 100% success rate so far at 93 devices and counting. I’m glad our organization practices read only Friday, at least.