Self-diagnosing is not as reliable as a specialist giving that diagnosis as you might go into the assumption of these symptoms expecting a certain result, creating a biased judgement on yourself
If your question is more about the point of knowing if you are on the spectrum or not, diagnosing these symptoms will also help understanding why it is happening and how to deal with them
Not related to autism, but my gf is dyslexic. Did not get it diagnosed early enough, so she assumed she was simply not as smart as the other kids because it took her 3x longer to simply read something. That can cause some chilhood trauma and deep anxieties, but now knowing about what it is, it can help her let go of some bad memories around that and adjust some regular workflows with something that is easier for her, i.e. audiobooks, dyslexic fonts
Those are still actions made by the tech companies. Blaming people for not complaining enough is not the best take on this. Just shifts the blame to the public, not to the people who made those decisions in the first place