Biden a good man, dude wrote the RAVE Act and openly supported the 90s “crime” bills. He’s a piece of shit like 99% of democratic incumbents.
Biden a good man, dude wrote the RAVE Act and openly supported the 90s “crime” bills. He’s a piece of shit like 99% of democratic incumbents.
He ran an anti mmr campaign in the American Samoas, resulting in him indirectly killing 85 children. He also drove his second wife to suicide due to his sex addiction.
JFC, it’s a post about how M$ supports a genocide, and part of the response to the genocide is to BDS. What else is being on Linux in this context other than BDS?
If it’s a slog to get to phase two, practice phase one more or change your build to do more damage.
His international stances aren’t good, but domestically he’s solid.
Except that theory is bunk when it comes to actual crime.
Let’s just ask the fascists to stop nicely.
The only thing wrong in this case was they failed.
You do know that hunger and malnutrition in the US impacts millions of people every year, and Cuba has eliminated food insecurity for its entire population, right?
If not, now you do.
I want the populations of the planet, flora and fauna, to not die an agonizing death due to climate change. That’s what is wrong with me.
It’s not a matter of what we like, it’s a matter of what is necessary.
Or we can stop overengineering everything, stop raising meat livestock, stop growing cash crops in areas prone to drought, and go vegan.
Apple Business Manager and JAMF both will refuse to work in Firefox for me. GoDaddy frequently complains too.
Not even in Hegel?!
It needs to happen fast given pollution is directly tied to gdp growth. If it doesn’t happen soon there won’t be any human lifetimes for it to happen in.
It’s not the French Revolution because the French Revolution can only happen the once. History doesn’t repeat, but it can rhyme.
Thanks for explaining to me something I already clearly knew given I gave you specifics about the French Revolution, very appreciated.
Not gonna apologize cause I didn’t “push” maoism. I’m just asking for people with “left” politics to identify an ideological framework that resonates with them and then apply it to their lives instead of complaining about the right and begging capitalists for crumbs. If that’s anarchism, great. If that’s ecosocialism, great. If that’s maoism, great. Anything is better than identifying as a “leftist”.
What’s a progressive versus a leftie versus a left liberal?
Are you still a capitalist?
Or you’ve been suckered in by his bullshit.