Doesn’t Patreon then take a cut? What’s the difference? (Fee % might, haven’t checked to be fair)
I’m supporting one creator via Patreon and got merch from another one (and have tried channel memberships), however this doesn’t really scale.
- merch is only really great when one needs whatever is offered anyways
- Patreon is nice, but requires explicit effort and regular payments for each channel
So from that perspective, having creators being payed more per-view is actually a nice, convenient effect and will cover channels that might otherwise get nothing. I’d like to have something like this for the general internet - pay some monthly fee, no more ads and websites, news sites etc all get some share (that is ultimatively more than what the ads would’ve given them in the first place).
Habt ihr die Kosten zufällig noch was weiter aufgeschlüsselt? Würde mich interessieren, welcher Anteil für die Unterbringung und den Strom draufgeht, letzteres ist etwas, was ich bei meinem homelab leider erst spät mit eingerechnet hab, sonst hätte ich andere Hardware gekauft… Und Ich nehme an, technisch unterstützen kann man euch nur in Person?