My laptop will not allow my to login via GUI since upgrade to fedora 41/GNOME?/mutter47. Works with a New account. I have jet to fix it
memer, linux-user, idk
My laptop will not allow my to login via GUI since upgrade to fedora 41/GNOME?/mutter47. Works with a New account. I have jet to fix it
The rest or the chocolate milk, yes!
Just don’t put the stuff to delete in /bin or /usr/bin
Resident evil
There was a PS2 Version back in the day
This is a joke right,? right?
Millions of pictures of Dogs on the Internet but this thing… I reconice immediately
There is blue gatorade and blue gatorade without sugar, they have the same color and thats Bad, i have picked up the wrong one more than once
Im Original Artikel ist Linux nur ganz kurz am ende erwähnt, der Titel ist mehr Clickbate als etwas anderes.
Did the x302 not fligh high enough befor unlocking it?
Fate of Atlantis is pretty good
As a kid it was great to have both, they have both multiplayer, with powerups. DiddykongRacing had more Variety in Tracks, with its boats and planes, and Lava,snow and space themed tracks. Both good Games
No, no harrassement, just try to turn down the Volumen of the band(that was closest to my) aka “manipulate things of other people”, and basicly the boss i don’t agree with there way of doing things. And complaining. And the Reason is “break of trust”
Follow up: jep, got fired. get paid until the end of this month. Thank you for you’re comments
And for some reason the file Explorer and the Desktop/Taskbar are connected and you can end up with just a black Screen
I get why you wanna See and feel in vr, but taste? Its not like i lick stuff all the time when i am Outsider. What is this? VR for Dogs
try “Flesh and Blood (1985)” its nasty