So, Bethesdafied?
So, Bethesdafied?
deleted by creator
Very true. What with many games coming out…questionably rushed on launch, this footage should be taken with a grain of nanomachines until the final release.
I’m fine with ps1 and N64 grade polygons as long as the gameplay is good. Hell, even 8-bit is fine in my book.
laughs in Rhino
Bidoof? Because Bidoof is God, so it must be Bidoof
I’m legit wondering what crack were they smoking in the latest season.
Weezer? More like, Weiner.
Bookmarked, I’ll check this out when i’m out of bed. Thanks!
Modifying a OEM controller with Hall sticks and using eneloops is your best bet in this situation.
Mfin Megaman shoes
Working on Warframe and Silent Hill 2. Been procrastinating on SH2 for a while.
I was about to ask if there really is a shortage. Not from UK but I worry for people.
I love Trents work so much, his music got me through a rough part in my life and seeing how healthy and happy he is now is just inspiring. Plus him and his mates called Marilyn Manson Arch Deluxe which is the funniest shit to me.
I just used a generator.
It might it look that food right now, but watch this!
Poot is frankly just an attention-seeking loser.
Wheres my Fallout 4 update, Todd?